
Why can't I carry a conversation??

by  |  earlier

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I took anti-depressants for 1 year, ADD medication for 2, and I've smoked weed on & off for 5. No big deal IMO. I don't drink. I've been clean from marijuana for a month now, and planning on keeping myself off everything. I don't think I'm depressed, maybe just anti-social. I say this because I always find myself sitting, quiet, while others talk to me..and talk and talk, and tell me stories and all this c**p I don't care to hear. I get irritated a lot because I don't feel the need to say anything and I'm sitting there listening. What the h**l is wrong with me?




  1. Nothings wrong with you, maybe your not a talker, the ADD and anti depressants and weed have nothing to do with it. Ok maybe the ainti- depressants do but your leaving that alone so maybe you just don't like to talk, maybe what their talking about doesn't interest you. think of some things you like and start talking to someone about that and see how long you an hold the convo! Sometime ppl gotta spark your brain if not then what's the point of wasting breath?

  2. maybe you have low self esteem. you think or know you have issues so you are putting yourself down.  

  3. Nothing's wrong with you. You're just the quiet type.

    But it would help if you get into the reading habit. Read one newspaper everyday, and two good magazines every week. Reading books will broaden your knowledge base, and you will find yourself responding more when conversing with others.


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