
Why can't I decide on a name? I need help please!?

by Guest62176  |  earlier

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I already knew by my 7th month what I wanted to name our first son. Now i'm 32 weeks with baby#2 and I can't decide on a name for him! I'm worried I won't even know when he's born and I'll give him the wrong name. Can you give some opinions on these names please?!?

Kasen David S

Liam David S

Keegan David S




  1. I love Kasen! All your names are great, though!

  2. callum david s. ....................idk i just like the sound of it

  3. I like Liam the best of the three. But choose whichever one you like the best. You might even want to wait until he is born to see what name seems to "fit" him best. Good luck & congrats!

  4. Kasen David S is a very nice name.

  5. I love the name Liam David S !! = ]]

    It's very cute !! = ]]  

  6. Keegan David S

  7. I LOVE Liam David!

    You could just leave it still open though.  You'll see which one fits him most when he's born.

    EDIT: btw, I really like the name David as a first name for the other three, but that's just me.

  8. I do not like Kasen, nor do I prefer Callum.

    Liam David is adorable, I love the combination, it speaks very well, however, if you're looking for something a little more unqiue, Keegan David is just as nice.

    I love the sound of Keegan, it's such a strong masculine name and David compliments it really well.

    If I had to pick between Liam and Keegan, probably Keegan. Good luck with your delivery.  

  9. I like Callum And Liam   (:    x

  10. Liam or Callum ; those are adorable.

  11. i really love Keegan!! it is a real name,spelled correctly,gender appropriate and not trendy,fake or common like liam or kasen  which reminds me of a city in Vietnam-- Cason,not a good thing in my opinion!

    Keegan David S.

    IS PERFECT!!! congratulations and good luck!

  12. Liam David

    I love the name Liam and it goes perfectly with David


  13. H0onestly, I don't like any of them. But have those names handy, and when you see him for the first will know what to name him. Don't worry.

  14. Liam David.  Or name him William David and call him Liam.  I've always loved the name Liam.

  15. Without knowing your other son's name, I do love Callum David off your list.

    Kasen sounds and looks very made up, sorry. I've never been a huge fan of Liam or Keegan.

    Don't stress too much about his name. Once you hold him, say your options out loud while looking at him and you'll figure out what feels right.

  16. I love Callum David

    and call me biased I love Liam.

    Usually if you look and see my answers to boy name question i usually suggest Liam and Callum anyway so this was the perfect question for me, and I noticed you asked this question earlier, so I think it is a really smart idea of yours to throw a third name in there to sort of regulate.

  17. Names are very hard or at least they were for me.  Out of your picks I like Kasen David.  It's very original and as a teacher I haven't heard this one.  At my school the other two are a little worn out, they are cute names though if you decide on one of the others.  Congrats on baby #2.

  18. I really, really like Kasen David! It's so cute!

    Good luck!

  19. Rylan David

    Keegan Daniel

    Hayden David S.

    Hope it helps, but you will know when you see him because it will just come to you!  You gotta see what he looks like....

  20. I LOVE the name Liam David!!!!!!!!! It's beautiful!!!! My next choice would be Keegan David, although it isn't one of my favorite names. Kasen David is alright, but it's just so out there I guess and I'm not too into names that I haven't really heard before. And Callum David sounds really old fashioned to me. But whatever name you feel is right, don't listen to what other people say, just go with it!!!

    It's totally okay that you don't know exactly what you want to name him yet!!!! My cousin Jessica just had a baby a couple months ago. She had her middle name, Grace, picked out as soon as she found out that she was pregnant, but she didn't have a first name picked out. She was considering naming the baby Julia or Sydney. But when she was born, my cousin saw that she was just so beautiful and she had such fair skin, that she ended up naming her Fiona, which means fair!!! Jessica had never thought of the name Fiona before, but as soon as Fiona was born, the name just fit her so perfectly!!! SO, basically, what I'm saying is that you might not know for sure yet, but when he's born, you might be surprised by the name you want to pick or one of your choices might just seem right!!!!

    Anyway, I hope this helped a little bit!!

  21. i like liam david s the most

  22. Callum David is lovely,

    Kasen David is weird!,

    Liam David is cool,

    Keegan David just reminds me of Kevin Keegan!

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