
Why can't I dislike the Williams sisters without being labeled a racist?

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Why can't I dislike the Williams sisters without being labeled a racist?




  1. Reverse racism mostly I think. People try to not be racist by not saying anything bad about someone of a minority group, while really I feel that not being racist means treating everybody the same, that includes not liking the Williams because of their tennis and/or attitudes, just like you would of someone else such as Maria Sharapova. Hope I worded that right.

  2. don't worry about it the wta is uninteresting since henin left and nobody wants to watch the racist Williams family, they are only hanging around for quick money because Richard Williams has the wta afraid he will star screaming he's been prejudiced every time they lose or don't get an easy draw and the other women are getting fed up like henin being told to let them win////they have just about ruined women's tennis, I don't bother watching anymore just the men////

  3. in usa a black person can kill rape murder do whatever on another race person and is cool!they will be found innocent in the court(like michael jackson and oj) a white person if he looks a black person and the black person thinks he looked him the wrong way then white dude is racist lol

  4. I don't think white people hate them because they are black. There are a lot of very beautiful white girls in tennis, then you have two very ugly and disgusting black chicks, although I am pretty sure they are guys, come in, and ruin tennis.

  5. You can. It's just that much of the early criticism in the Williams' career was racist and that's undeniable. You have to remember it's very unusual for athletes in any sport who dominate, change the face of their game and achieve so much to be reviled as much as they were by some people at the beginning. (Except maybe Kobe Bryant!)

    It's like the scene in Jungle Fever when the guy in the corner store is pissed because all the blacks are taking over "their" sports. That's how it was seen in tennis with the Williams, and you can still hear those sentiments in some quarters when it comes to Tiger Woods. After this kind of history of whites bringing racist views into sports, the potential of racism being behind a dislike of a black athlete in what some consider a "white" sport is always going to be under a cloud of racial suspicion. Just the way it is.

  6. you can

    just dont let


    shut you up

  7. You can. Educated ones will know that its for the tennis.

    Uneducated ones will obviously find excuses to hit you with the racist tag.

    I cant stand Serena. She's the racist who has color pretty much as an excuse for every weeny mistake she does.

    I like Venus though. She is amazing.

    I am colored....funny nobody has ever attacked me!

  8. Disliking the Williams sisters doesn't make you a racist.  What makes you a racist are the racist comments you make if you do.  Most white Americans were conceived in hate so it is almost natural that they are going to be born haters and racists.  Racism is a curse and if this is in your blood it can't just go away because it is in your DNA.  Killing blacks in this country was something whites did before going to church on Sundays to worship.   Now the hate is coming back in another form.  It is killing white children because white men are raping and killing the little white girls and boys and nobody know how to stop it and it can't be stopped.   It is inherited from generation to generation.  The chickens had finally come home to roost.

  9. if anyone is responding calling you a racist it's because of a particular comment. I've seen ignorant comments on here and I'm sure you have also (some may be yours who knows). Reading on here I see that most responses calling someone racist are the ones where someone calls the Williams sisters "powerful monkeys" are some BS comment like that..... or the ones where they call her father a racist. So after you get your responses to your question here go do a a search for previous posts to assist in answering your question.

  10. I know what you mean... but I have no idea why it's so. I guess people are just really stupid these days >_<

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