
Why can't I eat veggies?

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I notice ever since I was 8 I wasn't able to eat them anymore without throwing up, could someone please tell me why this is?




  1. Raw vegetables such as lettuce and a few others are very hard to digest but in most cases the cooked version is OK as it is much easier to digest.  Some people are allergic to raw carrots and raw tomatoes but the cooked version is fine.

  2. You should let your doctor know about this ... vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet.

  3. I am the same way....I took a psychology class...and one of the chapters were on this point. Lets see. It says that somepeople have this gene that makes them physically ill to eat any greens. They say that some doctors have a shot for this that will make it so you can eat veggies. This is the best i can give you.

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