
Why can't I fall asleep when lying in bed but almost fall off my chair sometimes?

by  |  earlier

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I get so sleepy sitting in a chair and can fall asleep quickly when seated but can't do that lying in bed.




  1. i used to have a similar problem and i think it is because i think too much when i go to bed. while i work at the desk my mind is not so intrigued nor do my fears and worries keep me awake, and my work is actually a bit boring (i love it, but it's true), so it is easy for me to feel sleepy while sitting and watching tv (since that relaxes me) or working. point being - you need to relax when you go to bed. reading did it for me - keeps my mind occupied and my eyes get tired.

    also be sure to prepare the atmosphere for sleeping - do not use bright lights, do not rush or shower before you go to bed.  

  2. One of the main reasons for trouble falling asleep while laying in bed is the bed is not comfortable.  If you wake up not feeling rested and have gotten at least 6 hours of sleep, perhaps it's time to start testing new beds.  Adding daily stress and continous thoughts before bed doesn't help.  To combat that...try looking into meditation.  I'm not talking buddhist monk can be as simple as laying in bed and focusing on breathing...allowing the thoughts to flow through your mind...not sticking.

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