
Why can't I fast during my period?

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I don't like making up the fasts that I miss, I just want to fast during RAMADAN, I don't want to make up fasts after Ramadan.




  1. when you fast you are unclean and saame as praying you have to be clean thats why you take abdest!

  2. Alhamdulillah sister, here you go:

    "Why is fasting haraam for menstruating women?"

    EDIT @ Muhammed K:

    Can you please quote the following verses for us from your translation of the "Qur'an" :

    Surat Tawbah, Verses 128 & 129.

  3. Because it's dangerous and it's a order by ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala). Many women are uncomfortable when they are on their periods, with bloating, cramps, moodiness, blood flowing suddenly when you stand up after sitting or lying down for a long time, blood flowing suddenly when you sneeze, etc.  When your on your period, it makes you dirty and unclean and it also lowers your iron count in your blood.  If you tried fasting during your period, then you could go into shock or die.

  4. ur making a big fuss over a teensy lil thing.

    ur in a state of impurity so that's why u can't fast.  and that's just life that u can't fast when u gots ur period, take it!

  5. I am a male but if I was in you position I would not like it either but I would accept it because it is what our religion teaches. There is definitely wisdom behind it and some of the answers gave us a glimpse of that wisdom.

    What is interesting however is how this came to be or another angle to the topic. A woman does not have to pray the missed prayers during her MC. (please double check that out) When the injunction to fast came about the women decided not to fast during the mc and not to keep the missed fast either. In other words apply the same rule to fasting as was applied to prayer. Allah reveled to th Prophet (SAW) to ask them to keep the missed fasts after Ramazaan when they were clean. I think that you should be grateful that it was not the other way around. Imagine catching up on 35 prayers that you missed a month - 420 a year (that is more that praying 6 times a day) - for your whole life. I rather catch up on 7 fasts for the year.

    There is a lesson in this. Think about it.

    Prayer and fasting should not be looked upon as a burden. If you do then it is pointless fasting. You wasting your time and energy. If you study the benefits of fasting then you would look forward to it and it would become easy for you. Allah knows best and May He Guide and Help us All. Ameen.

  6. The reasons we are exempted from fasting are, first of all, because it is `amr ta`bbudi', an act of worship dictated by Allah. addition, Islam is the religion of easiness, and it tends to remove the hardship of women who may be weak or in pain from menstruation, if I had to fast while on my periods, then Allah help me as I get very very ill!!

    Part of the logic behind exempting menstruating women from fasting and prayer, I can say that upon the onset of the period the woman becomes very weak and experiences weakness and fatigue in her whole body, and that is why Allah, the Most Merciful, exempts her from fasting and prayer in order not to add to her weakness."  I get very weak and would not be able to pray nor fast since I require bed rest!

    When it comes to Islamic rulings pertaining to umur ta`bbudiyyah (acts of worship) acts, we ought not to ask why. Rather, we should demonstrate the slogan of 'we hear and we obey'.

    @ Maryam Jazak'Allah Khair sis!

  7. 2:222 They ask you about menstruation: say, "It is harmful; you shall avoid sexual intercourse with the women during menstruation; do not approach them until they are rid of it. Once they are rid of it, you may have intercourse with them in the manner designed by GOD. GOD loves the repenters, and He loves those who are clean."

    Prohibition of sexual intercourse during menstruation is for the protection of women from pain and potential infection. Other than that, menstruating women should continue their contact prayers, charity work, fasting, and studying the Quran. Commentaries based on hadith and sunna, not only mistranslate the word tahara but also fabricate a list of prohibitions for women claiming that they are not worthy of communicating with God or performing some good acts. In verse 3:55, the word tahara means "to be rescued" or "free from." Despite the Quranic rule, the followers of hadith and sunna adopted Jewish laws that consider women unclean, and treat them like dirt for fourteen straight days of every month. According to the fabricated rules of the Old Testament, a menstruating woman is considered unclean for seven days, and during that period wherever she sits will be considered unclean; whoever touches her or sits where she sits must wash and bathe. After she finishes the menstruation, she has to wait for seven more days to be considered clean for ceremonial purposes (Leviticus 15:19-33).

    now where do you see this prohibition in this verse,? do you see anywhere in any verse In Glorious Quran which prohibits to perform religious duties ?

    the only book where it is prohibited is in YOUR religious hadith books,or in (Leviticus 15:19-33). both tese books are out of Islam,

    Deen e Islam is in Glorious Quran and not in hadith books,it is utterly sad that you believe and just read Glorious Quran,but you follow hadith books.

    Neither Glorious Quran is incomplete nor Imperfect or not detailed, 6:114.6:38.

    the problem is with our practices,full of error,there is no error in Glorious Quran.we dont see any error in our practices,if we start pondering into this fact,and understand and read Glorious Quran carefully and with certainity,we can correct our practices and our destination to Jannah.

    If Glorious Quran doesnt say any thing about certain thing ,be certain that it doesnt exist in any other book.

    "Their Lord responded to them: 'I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female - you are equal to one another. Thus, those who immigrate, and get evicted from their homes, and are persecuted because of Me, and fight and get killed, I will surely remit their sins and admit them into gardens with flowing streams.' Such is the reward from GOD. GOD possesses the ultimate reward." 3:195

    "The believing men and women are allies of one another. They advocate righteousness and forbid evil, they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and they obey GOD and His messenger. These will be showered by GOD's mercy. GOD is Almighty, Most Wise." 9:71

    "GOD promises the believing men and the believing women gardens with flowing streams, wherein they abide forever, and magnificent mansions in the gardens of Eden. And GOD's blessings and approval are even greater. This is the greatest triumph." 9:72

    "The submitting men, the submitting women, the believing men, the believing women, the obedient men, the obedient women, the truthful men, the truthful women, the steadfast men, the steadfast women, the reverent men, the reverent women, the charitable men, the charitable women, the fasting men, the fasting women, the chaste men, the chaste women, and the men who commemorate GOD frequently, and the commemorating women; GOD has prepared for them forgiveness and a great recompense." 33:35


    The Quran prohibits even Prophet Mohammad from issuing any religious teachings other than the Quran or explaining the Quran in verses 69:43-47 and 75:16-19. The religious scholars, however, in defiance of the Quran have created religious laws never authorized by God.

    this "uncleanlines" of women created by hadith scholars,have made men women UNEQUAL/INFERIOR,they imply that women become unclean.dirty,unworthy,during mensturation,but Glorious Quran Rejects their claims,

    what if a woman mensturate in the middle of Tawaf during hujj !!




    were not the authors of Glorious Quran,neither Islam is in hadith books,The word of Allah Allmighty or word of fallible men.

    which one will you chose !

  8. Some say you can, some say no. The submitters say you can. So if you want to fast, be a submitter for that week while your on your menses, and go back to being sunni when done.

  9. You will pass out. You will be to week. Think about it.

  10. Allah don't want us to fast while on our period 1 ur not clean and wants us to take care of our selfs and not put more stress on us. You don't want to fast after ramadan come on lets not be lazy!!! subhan'allah that you wouldn't want to do that for the sake of Allah after all he gave you those days to relax!!!  think of the reward you would get when you fast the days u missed.

  11. your body is weak,a nd you are losing a lot of blood. so it is unhealthy, that is why its not allowed.

    see how everything is layed oyut in front of you in islam.


  12. Because your not in a state of purity so ur unclean and many sisters have to make up for it probably even me, so no biggie!!!

  13. because you cant offer your prayers during that time. and without prayers fast means nothing.

  14. I agree with Pali.

    Its because alot of women get cravings and their blood pressure get low so it would be twice as hard to fast in that situation and definitely unhealthy.

    Allah (SWT) is kind and understanding.  : )

  15. as during period you cant pray just like that you cant fast during Ramadan after Ramadan try to have fast why you cant have fast with your mother or sister or any body else if you really cant then take medicine before Ramadan starts for stoping your period during Ramadan take 1 tablet daily( consult doc)

  16. all religious duties are not prohibited during periods,,,

    why to act dumb hypocrite,when you are in periods ? why you have to be embarrassed by something you can not control.

    what if you start periods during hujj ? will you leave tawaff !!

    to hide something which comes natural you have to lie,you have to to do so many acts ,just to hide something natural as if it was a sin !

    if you were having periods and if you are certain that it is lawful not to fast ,salat,then why to lie or shy ?

    nothing to be ashamed of !

    yes Salman is right..hide in a closet,as if you did a SIN,unknowingly blaming Allah Allmighty for your periods and committing a sin !i

  17. May Allah bless u, sister Ninja and Ducky!

    I found ur answer really adequate.  

  18. Because during your period you are unclean. Just like you can't pray while you are on your period, you can not fast either

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