
Why can't I find a guy?

by Guest61262  |  earlier

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My best friends gets all the attention from guys. I've joked that I'm like her spokeswoman. I've had to talk to a few of the guys she doesn't like. They just love her, and I'm like, hey! What's wrong with me? She has a really flirty personality, but I'm pretty nice too. I'm sarcastic and I'm not a flirt. I am a friendly, kind of outgoing person, though. The only possibilities I know of are that I'm intimidating, overweight, and my options are limited (small town, small school). My best friend has the same limitations with lack of people, but she doesn't seem to have any trouble finding guys. Here are some pictures of us:

Both of us:

My best friend:





  1. I'm a guy, have to say your way more attractive.

  2. ur prettier tan her the guys probally want to practice b4 they get some of the good stuff lol

  3. Makes no sence. You're prettier than her. Throw on some makeup, unbutton a few buttons on that shirt, pop on some heels and you'll get em. :D

  4. I think that you are alot more attractive and you sound like a much nicer person.

    Help me if you can.;...

  5. your kinda plain jane:(

  6. wow ... how come u arent getting the guys? ... ur like soooo beautiful and the shape of ur nose ... oommmgg ... people would die for such a nose.

  7. okay to tell you the truth i think your way prettier...not saying shes ugly. I think you should connect with you flirty side because you got the looks down!!! learn to be comfortable in your own skin.....and never compare yourself to your friend because that only leads to trouble!!!

    and remember your GORGEOUS talk and flirt with boys and they will talk and flirt with you. and if this doesn't work just wait and you will meet someone in the future!!!! when the time is right!!!

  8. dress with like a -shirt and jeans

  9. Could be that guys are just intimidated by a strong girl. Don't let it bother you, you'd probably be better off with more mature guys, so wait until college. And then go for the more mature college guy, since the j******f still exists there.

  10. you are SO much more preaty

  11. Ok, first of all, after seeing so many girls giving their opinion let me (a guy) give my opinion: you and your friend are very close in the looks department. I know it sounds nice to hear you are the prettiest, but I won't lie, you are not prettier than her, you 2 are about equal; however, as someone else already said you should never compare yourself with others, that won't solve anything and that is not a justification for one's worries either. To give you a better idea (before I actually answer) in pic #4 you look much prettier, but in pic #5 your friend looks beautiful; I conclude you 2 are about the same..... at least from my view. I think I know why she is getting more guys though, she has a flirty personality, you said it yourself, and who doesn't like a blonde with blue eyes? ..... seriously ..... however, that's at first sight only, you gotta see who that blonde with blue eyes really is later on, and that's the part that decides. The problem is that I don't think many high school guys think like this, many young guys are stuck at the beginning part.

    So, your friend has nothing to do with this ok. Let's take a good guess: I think you might not be getting guys because you expect that they will come to you and ask you out and that's not necessarily how it works. Believe me, I am quite nice and everything, looks-wise may be like you, but if I sit to wait for a girl to talk to me FORGET IT I was smart enough to realize it won't happen. So, talk to any nice guy that you think is appropiate for you, be friends.... don't expect to sit and have them come to you that's not the way it is. Besides, if your major plus (which might make a guy like you) is your personality then they won't see that plus until you have talked at least a few times. Also, no need to change or fake (if you are not flirtatious no need to start flirting out of nowhere because that's not the way you are) but still try to be at your best. I don't know what else to suggest..... may be make sure that you don't gain more weight, the way you are now is perfectly ok, but more than that = overweight. Which isn't bad, but I can tell you that 99% of guys (including myself) don't like women that are too fat (you are not, don't worry you are ok :p, just giving you a warning that's all). Also, try to dress pretty, not showing anything no need for that, but do dress pretty..... I mean you are a woman you should be able to find a set a pretty clothes for you..... and as I said at the beginning, try to talk to guys (the right guys of couirse) naturally, that way you will meet more guys and your chances increase, plus you can make a couple of friends as well........... wow I wrote more than I thought lol

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