
Why can't I find a new job?

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I have been looking for a new job for over three months now. I just graduated from a community college of three years with a degree in Computer Information Systems. I have been working at a pizza place for three and a half years now, and I hate it. Since I just graduated, I should start something new. I've been sending out resumes to people, and some people call me back. I've been on a total of 5 interviews so far. They all do the same thing. I wait for them to call back for an offer but nothing. I have even been to four employment agencies, which have sent me to 3 interviews. I just keep doing the same things but nothing. People tell me I don't have enough experience, or that I'm doing the interviews wrong. A friend suggested that I try an internship, but I couldn't quit my job. Another friend said try retail like Best Buy or Office Depot first until something better comes along. Should I try retail to get more experience, or should I keep trying and call back after interviews to get the job offer?




  1. The first job you take after graduation is very important. It puts a label on you, saying 'this is what I've done'.

    Ok. But this doesn't mean 'This is all that I can do!'

    So, you need to get on ahead from this position. It's infinitely better than having been unemployed for three years.

    Choose the companies you'd like to work in. Go in and look around and identify different jobs and functions there. Imagine yourself working there. Go to the company's website and do background check on the company. Visualize yourself working there.

    Write a good application letter (there are many good models on the Internet - search in Google).

    On the application write your skills and try to answer the question why they should hire you.  You should mention specific skills like 'I'm skillfull at coding xtml or css codes'. "I am quick at learning new things and eager to learn" is a good sentence.

    Start preparing for the interview by asking yourself 'What skills do I need for this particular job?' You've got to present this skillset for them, 'what you could give them' very clearly and quickly.

    Then after sending the application, call or drop in. If you're really interested, someone will soon hire you. I got my first job at a department store because I walked in and said that "I really want to work here".

    If you don't get the first job, don't be discouraged, learn from the interview and knock on the next door. You are bound to get success.

    All the best!

  2. If you can find an internship, go for it ...  it may be hard work doing both jobs, but if you get the experience you need, then it will be worth it ...

    if you can get into the computer department at best buy or a similar store, this could help you ...

    are the agencies not coaching you at all?

    did the community college have advisers that can give you tips?

  3. Maybe you are noy trying hard enough!

  4. I am not at all sure what 'Computer Information Systems' are all about!

                                     But if it has anything to do with knowing all about home computer systems, I suggest you branch out on your own, in your local area.

                                      Most folk have silly problems with their home computer, and who wants to lug it down to the local repair shop, and get ripped off?

                                      You can carry on with the job you have now and do this on the side, see how it goes.

                                       Just start with an ad' in your local paper, home visits etc etc.

                                       Try it out, and good luck!

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