
Why can't I find a teaching job?

by Guest56519  |  earlier

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I currently live in Michigan and I am moving to Raleigh, North Carolina in August. I have spend the last few months searching for jobs down there as an elementary teacher and I am very frustrated to not be having any luck. Any Advise?




  1. That's odd, I just looked at the Wake County Schools website and there's like a couple dozen elementary school teacher openings listed!

    Maybe the competition is high for those slots, I don't know...but there are certainly openings!

  2. you could sub in a few districts and even get in somewhere as a teacher's aide.  I live in Chicago and I will be teaching 40 minutes away next year.  It's tough out there right now.  Good Luck!

  3. When I was right out of school I applied to every school in the district to no avail. I really started sweating it. But, a few weeks before the start of the year I started getting lots of requests for interviews. Later, one of the more experienced teachers told me that most teachers will tell the principal they aren't coming back only a few weeks before the start of classes. They take all summer deciding and then hit a point where they make the decision right before they have to go back. So, be patient. There's still plenty of time until August.

  4. Sadly, no.  I am in the same boat.  Seems the whole South is in a budget crisis with the schools.  Apparently, there are too many other more important things to spend money on than education...

  5. I'm not even in the same country as you, but teaching jobs are few and far between here right now too.  The good news is that these things seem to be cyclical - in 5-10 years there will be panicked news stories about an impending teacher shortage again, I predict!

    In the meantime, your best bet might be to apply to be a substitute/supply teacher.  Many new teachers that I know got their foot in the door that way - they often are able to pick up long term contracts (mat. leaves, etc.), get to know a principal, prove themselves, etc.  Unfortunately, there's a lot of "who you know" in our field, so the best thing to do is to get to know some people!  

    Good luck!

  6. They are looking for teachers in FL.  Are you definitely moving to NC?  I hear you though...I have been trying to get a job in Western NY for awhile !

  7. Try home schooling. You can't beat the class size. <}:-})

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