
Why can't I find a video online of Usain Bolt's 100m final in Beijing?

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All I want to do is watch the final as I missed it when it was live. I have been to YouTube and other places to watch a video of just the final race and all I get is a load of rubbish showing off some editing someone has done, or someone talking about it, or some shots of Bolt running in Jamaica. Can anyone tell me why I can't find a video anywhere of just the final?

Many thanks.




  1. its illegal to tape any event of the olympics without proper permission.

    -Mr. M

  2. go to bbc website and search for it!

    they have videos of the 100m, 200m and relay with him in it

    Check the link for 100m!

  3. It's free and provided online by the Olympics, through different sites. That's why you can't find it, you don't have to pirate the videos, get them legally from the source! Go here:

    they have video of all US events and highlights of all events. Bolt's races are on there, just scroll the wheel to the right.

      The link on the bottom also has videos, it's another official Beijing website...

  4. You have to go to  NBC has the material copyrighted so it can't go on YouTube.

  5. check out the nbc site or the official olympics site. u wont see it on youtube bc itd violate the streamin laws


  7. because NBC was greedy and bought all the rights for themselves .......its sad ..they carried the swimming live but we had to wait forever to see the greatest race in history ,,,,hummm i wonder why ? could it be i wont even go there ..jealousy is a horrible thing .....go Jamaica yeahhhhhhh


    You can shift through the videos on there. I know they have his 200m final, but I never looked for 100m. I assume it's probably on there. :)

  9. You can download all Beijing Olympics Full video including opening and closing ceremony from

  10. Videos of the race have been deleted by the Youtube moderators as the content is BBC copyrighted material.

    The BBC link I've found below will take you to an official video of the 100M final featuring Usain Bolt.

  11. I tried the same thing.  The IOC blocked it for copyright reasons.

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