
Why can't I get an old flame outta my head?

by Guest65507  |  earlier

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Recently, I saw an old flame and well she is still smokin' hot after 18 years. We had a somewhat rocky relationship but the s*x was really great and we seemed to connect, she made you feel as though you had her undivided attention at all times. She has children in the same school as my children so the chances are good we will see each other again. In no way has she hinted of anything I am speaking of here, all this c**p is in my head. I am not going to act on it, too much to loose however, she is hot and if the opportunity presented itself I may not be able to control myself. Something about the way she looks at you when you talk to her.....




  1. You're remembering a part of your past that you shared with this woman.  You broke up 18 years ago for a reason.

    You said you have too much to lose?  You didn't say that you love your wife and family!!

    Be careful, you could end up with no one.

  2. It's not uncommon for something like this to happen, and it's fine for you to fantasize.  Just stick to what you've said about not taking it any further.  If you have to, go home and take it all out on your wife.  It will be a lot of fun for both of you, I'm sure.  Just don't mess it up and say the wrong name and you'll be fine.

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