
Why can't I get digital channels on my HDTV?

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I have a RCA HDTV and it has both analog and digital tuners on it. Recently I set up the digital tuner on it because I wanted to be ready for the February 2008 transition. The problem is that when I did a channel search I couldn't find any channels. I have neighbors who have bought digital converter boxes and they can get lots of channels. Also is there a website where I can find a list of channels that broadcast in Digital in my area (south-west michigan)?




  1. are you using a regular antenna? if not, get one because this way you get all the over-the-air digital channels

  2. The problem with getting digital channels is that you need to be receiving digital signals.  So if you hooked up your cable-tv cable to your tv, you will not get any digital signals because the cable company requires you to get a box to get digital signals.  You could still get digital channels if you get an antenna.  It is likely that they are broadcasting digital signals already.  Hook up a digital-ready antenna(bunny ears) and you'll get HD from ABC and those broadcast channels.

  3. You probably need a better antenna.  With analog, a poor signal would give you ghosts or snow.  With digital, it either works or it doesn't.  When it doesn't it looks like nothing is there.

    Look at and put in your ZIP code.  This will give you a list of the stations in your area, what type of antenna you should be using and where to aim it.  I would suggest a good quality VHF/UHF antenna.  Also, there is no such thing as a "digital" or "HD" antenna; that's just marketing hype.

    I hope this helps.  Please return and select a Best Answer from all of those submitted.

  4. If you enter your location at the web site below, you will find the location of your local TV transmitters. Note the distance and direction to the nearest digital transmitters.

    Do you get good analog reception with your current antenna? As far as antennas are concerned, analog and digital broadcasts in the US are nearly identical. Most of what you know about analog reception applies to DTV.

    How do the antennas your neighbors are using compare to the one you are using?

    What is between your TV antenna and the TV transmitters? TV signals are absorbed by things like water & dirt and reflected by flat metal objects (including wire mesh & foil). Indoor antennas are very sensitive to location for reasons that are not alway obvious. Basement reception is almost always a problem.

    Once you get good analog reception with your antenna, you should be able to pick up some digital channels. If you can't, look at the following:

    Does your HDTV have a separate input for digital signals? (a few do)

    Make sure your TV is set for antenna service and not cable.

    Once your antenna is adjusted for best analog reception, have your HDTV scan for digital over the air channels.

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