I'm a 34 yr old male, 5' 10" and 240 lb athletic build. Going back to when I was much lighter at 190 lbs, I have been seemingly unable to get drunk, and I don't know why. My normal drinking pattern is 2-4 casual drinks a year, so I have not developed some kind of tolerance, I seem to have it naturally.
When I was younger, I had a room mate try to get me drunk, drinking a whole 5th of Crown Royal, and others after that. More recently, I went on my 10th anniv. trip to a Sandals resort- where there is free unlimited alcohol, and I thought I surely could try again. Alas, nothing. Drinking all day, and I felt nothing. My wife drinks three glasses of Chardonnay and she is gone. I am jealous because she loved it, and I can't experience it. What is wrong with me?