
Why can't I get my Groups messages?

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Why can't I get my Groups messages?




  1. go to your personal mail settings on the group, and make sure that you are set to get emails.  That should solve it.

    But some groups want to make sure that you visit the group itself often, so the moderators sometimes overrule your choice.  So check your status again every few days to see if they changed it again on you.

  2. a. No messages are sent to the group

    b. You or the owner / moderator changed your e-mail settings

    c. There may be problems with Yahoo

  3. it could be a server issue (on either end- some providers recently are sending htem to spam)

    it could be your mail settings changed

    it could be you're bouncing

    it could be someone edited your mail settings

    you really need to trouble shoot, rule out the obvious then go on from there

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