
Why can't I get rid of this gas bubble?

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It feels like I have a gas bubble in my stomach and I need to burp to get rid of it... I've been burping all day (even if I don't mean to, like when I yawn.). I don't know what to do to get this gas bubble out.. I've tried drinking sodas, water, milk, rubbing my stomach, eating, and even punching myself in the stomach. Absolutely nothing works...

Any ideas on what I should do, or if this will pass at all?




  1. Have you tried antacids such as tums?  I definitely don't suggest punching yourself in the stomach, as this will only cause more problems for yourself, and drinking sodas will only aggravate the problem.  

    Try taking a tums and take a walk/swim to help work the gas out of your body.  You could also try taking a relaxing bath or shower, I find that helps when I have gas issues.  

    It should pass on its own but if you are still having problems see your doctor as soon as you can.  Sometimes gas can simply be stubborn and take time to move.

  2. I have similar problem and my doctor recommended to take 2 capsules of Lp299v daily after meal. Do consult your doctor perhaps.

    Nutrilida healthcare

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