
Why can't I go swimming in my clothes in my local pool?

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I love swimming with my clothes on and i would love to swim with my friends in the local pool but when we ask they say no. I just love getting wet and so do my friends.




  1. Go find a lake. They don't want the dirt from your clothes getting in the pool.

  2. as a former lifeguard i think i can anwer that 1 first of all because the clothes might be dirty and they dont want dirt in the pool and second because its dangerous because when yoou get wet oure clothes get heavy and when its heavby it weighs you down and you might be killed

  3. They just don't want dirty clothes in the pool if you really wanted to go swimming that bad just go in your bathing suit who cares.

  4. As a former lifeguard, I can think of two reasons:

    1. The feeling may be that the clothes are dirty. (Did you ever see the water in the washing machine during the wash cycle?)

    2. It's dangerous. Wet clothes are heavy and can weigh you down. For my lifeguard test, we had to swim in our clothes and save each other. It was not easy.

    Buy a bathing suit.

  5. It's far less to do with the clothes possibly being dirty, and more to do with how dangerous swimming in clothes can be.

    Wet clothing becomes very heavy, which makes swimming more difficult. The clothes weigh you down greatly, and staying afloat is harder - in a worst case scenario, you would be unable to stay afloat and drowning could occur.

    The main reason for the presence of lifeguards is to prevent accidents from occuring. Yes, they respond to accidents when they do occur, but preventing there occurence in the first place is far more important. This is why rules exist, such as not wearing clothes, not running, not pushing etc.

    Just accept that swimming in clothes at your pool is not an option. It's for a very good reason.

  6. God.  You must be some sort of weirdo. Get a life - and a swimsuit.

    Yuk you make me barf.

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