
Why can't I grow facial hair?

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I'm a 24-year-old, white American male. A light mustache, some hair on my chin, and a random half-dollar sized patch of hair on my neck is all I can grow. I want some side burns and a goatee. Is this a testosterone issue? Is there a condition in which a male doesn't produce testosterone like he should?




  1. I believe if you had a testosterone deficiency you would have a lot more pressing problems, like sexual immaturity, a high voice, and other stuff. It sounds like you just have the beard problem, so what you are probably dealing with could be two things - either you are genetically not very hairy and you will have to live with the problem, or you are still going through the tale end of puberty and the hair will arrive over time. It's more likely the latter, but the way to tell is to look at your father and any older brothers. What happened to them will likely happen to you as well. If they are around and are more hairy, you should ask them if they were like you and if so, when did their hair come in.

    I've taken care of a lot of patients slightly younger than you. (Pediatrician) In my experience, facial hair seems to come in more fully and become more coarse over the years. Hang in there.

  2. My boyfriend is 20 and has the same thing.. his dad didnt completly grow a full facial beard until he was almost 30..  your probably just a late bloomer.  all i can recomend is to shave it all off as often as possible in every area you want to grow it.. everytime you shave the hair grows thicker and longer.    

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