
Why can't I have yesterday's news for free?!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was recently in the bookstore and wondered what they did with all the old newspapers(wall street journal, Post etc) that are not purchased on that day. I was informed that they rip off the covers and dispose of them in the trash receptacles. I quickly responded with "I'd take them the next day", but the store employee said it was illegal. Do you know why they do this?




  1. I don't know for sure, but I'd imagine that they'd lose business because some percentage of the population would stop buying newspapers and just read the free ones one day late.

  2. Yes, it's the same reason they throw food away when it reaches its sell by date instead of giving it to charities, etc. Giving stuff away for free, no matter if it's just one day past its sell by date, "distorts the market". People will stop buying things if they can get them a day later for nothing.

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