
Why can't I hear this high pitched noise?

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ok, so my friends have been sending around this ringtone which is a REALLY high pitched ringing sound like a dog whistle). Whenever they play it in class all the kids can hear it and scream about how annoying it is. I, however, cannot hear it unless my ear is against the phone!

The rumor is that anybody over 20 can't hear the sound. But, how come I can't hear it?




  1. As u get older u cannot hear high pitched sounds so well but this does not mean u need a hearing aid. Dont worry about it.

  2. You have lost the ability to hear higher frequency sounds.

    You can have your hearing checked. A hearing aid may help.

    But would it be worth it.

  3. You may have some hearing loss of high frequencies.   High frequency hearing is usually the first to go as we age.   Age alone is not just the only factor to hearing loss.

    Not every one is born with the same range of hearing. On average humans can hear sounds from 20Hz to 20Khz.   Some people can hear slightly higher in frequency while others may not.   Just luck of the genes.

    Assuming you started life with average hearing you may have lost some of your hearing due to one or more of the following:

    1.) Sickness

    2.) Injury to the ear drum - perforated ear drum for example

    3.) Short term exposure to a high level noise. (Explosion, Gun fire, Jet engine are typical examples but can also include exposure to houshold items like a power saw)

    4.) Drug use/abuse.

    5.) Long term exposure to loud sounds.   Listening to loud music or working in a noisy environment  

    Not all hearing loss is permanent, you can be exposed to loud sounds (rock concert for example) and experience a temporary loss where your will recover some of your hearing. (Not all but some or most it).

    The problem with hearing loss is that for many it is a gradual thing where our bad habits ( listening to loud music, TV etc for example) slowly desensitize our hearing and we up the volume to compensate.   Over time the damage becomes permanent and most of us won't realize the loss until it is too late.  

    I should also mention that living with others who have poor hearing can affect you as well. You may be exposed to louder sounds like TV volume settings because people with poor hearing raise the volume. As a result you listen to a louder volume than you might have otherwise been exposed to.

  4. omg i hate that sound! probably just have bad ears, its no big deal.Most of the time kids/teens have better hearing then adults, which is the reason why teens can hear it. your ears are probabaly just more mature. or your not really listening to it.

  5. when u get older u will need a hearing ade.

  6. Maybe you just lost the ability to hear this tone...i wouldn't worry about it..but you could always go get it checked at a ear doctor if youre interested.

    ...or maybe they are all pulling your leg and pretending to hear it.

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