
Why can't I hit a baseball?

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I'm extremely bad at makin solid contact with a baseball and i wanna no why dat is...i sometimes wonder if it's bcuz of my astigmatism [which i believe is very mild] or da fact dat i'm legally blind [but i wear contacts and my eye doctor says i have 20-20 vision with them on =/ ]...any idea why i suck?




  1. maybe its because you might have a bad baseball bat.

    or if its not that you might not have the basics down like keeping your head in, keeping your weight back, or might not have a strong enough swing.  

  2. The contacts may un-blind you, and they may even give 20/20 vision - but that is measured with static images. It could be that the contacts need to bend the light so much to match your vision that you are not seeing motion correctly - and your brain is predicting the wrong place for the ball to be at.

    If it's not that, then the mechanics of your swing are extremely important. You need to keep your head as still as possible, and have your swing be as smooth as possible to prevent your head from moving. Then, keep your eye on the ball all the way until you make contact.

    Try a "walk before you run" approach to hitting. If you need to, start with tee and hit from that until you are making solid contact, then move up to someone soft-tossing to you, the faster and faster pitching until everything falls into place.

    And finally, some people are just better hitters than may be one of the 'others' and hitting a baseball is just not something you are good at. If you continue to struggle, consider an alternative like slo-pitch softball where you may find you can do a lot better.

  3. Maybe it's that blue and orange uniform you're wearing.  As soon as the Mets trade you, you'll probably start hitting a lot better.  That happens to them a lot.  With pitchers, too.

  4. Probably b/c you're a Cubs fan.  

  5. Too much steroids ruins your vision. Cut back your cycles.

  6. are you stepping forward when the ball is coming? dont just stand still when ur batting..

  7. More likely due to your mechanics. The biggest single thing you need to do is keep your head steady. While the rest of your body moves, if you keep your head absolutely still while swinging the bat, you will have much greater success.  

  8. cant be those reason i have an astigmatism an i and i wear contacts to

    slow ur swing down eye on the ball all the way thourgh dont

  9. well i have a little secret i used to do when i was young. I used to count how long i would take for the pitchers ball to cross the plate.... usually in 10 year old softball players, the count would be 4. But baseball it would be 2. So count one two swing. Watch the pitchers speed and count it out, it works  

  10. Probably aren't reading the pitch very well and your swinging to hard. Get ready and look at the pitcher. Be prepared and stand strong in the box. Don't swing to hard and shift tour momentum from back to front. Its a complicated game.

  11. Most underrated rule in baseball: Watch the ball.

    It is amazing that no matter how much, or how little you have played the game, you can always catch somebody pulling their head. Also, a big problem that many hitters get involved in is "stepping into the bucket". That means instead of stepping your front leg towards the pitcher, you step out towards third base, most of the time that is caused by fear of the ball. If you can keep your head down, your weight on your back leg, and step towards the pitcher, then contact is surely in order.  

  12. not gonna lie to ya man, legally blind doesn't help.

  13. Bad hand/eye coordination. I also have astigmatism and wear glasses to see 20/20 and I can hit a baseball. My problem is I have weak fast-twitch muscles and can not hit home runs. I used to hit some mean liners to the gaps in my day though.

  14. Keep your eye on the ball through your swing you might be pulling your head up a lot of people don't notice when they do that.

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