
Why can't I just be left alone??

by  |  earlier

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Why is it that when I want to be left alone it appears as everyone is coming out of the woodwork trying to get me to talk, come over, even my husband come screaming from the other room.. come here! !!!

I think telling people you wish to be left alone... to be alone... is considered rude is it not?




  1. sometimes people think that when someone says they want to be alone. it really means I need someone to talk to. all thought this may not be the case for you.

  2. The polite approach, although it conflicts with the idea of morals . . . is to make an excuse and basically lie. Say you're busy with something. You husband is a different matter. Just ask him, "don't you know when I need time to myself?"

    However, if this is a common thing with you and you don't like interacting with people at any time, you have some issues of your own to consider. It's not "normal" to hate everyone. :-)

  3. No way. As long as you say it in a polite and respectful way. Perhaps sit your husband down when your not upset and explain so as not to hurt his feelings when this situation arises. Just say how everyone needs space sometimes just to go over thoughts independently and get themselves together. If he still persists then maybe you should be more brutal or say you want to go for a walk alone quickly to get some fresh air. Good luck

  4. Everyone needs a bit of peace and quiet for themselves.  On the weekends I wish just once my husband would take care of the kids while I am getting ready in the morning.  I handle them all week and would like just a few minutes to myself.   I guess too many people need us in their lives at all times!  BTW, it's not rude of you.

  5. nope just say you would like to be alone and make sure your tone isnt rude. or just go to the bathroom and sit or take a shower no one should bother you there(i hope).

  6. nope i do it all the time after a while ppl just learn

  7. maybe its cauze yur hot

  8. Most people are quite social so, yes, it is a bit against custom to tell people you'd like to be left alone. Humans tend not to accept unfamiliar things, like being reserved or secluded. They probably notice that something is wrong or that you're not really feeling your best, so they try to intervene and make things better. Probably good intentions, even if it's not what you want =/ Just don't get angry. Try to get away and be on your own.


  9. leave me alone lady!!!!

  10. You're popular?!!!!?

  11. telling them to leave you alone isn't rude, but it doesn't work. However telling them to f*ck off is rude, but it works. your choice.  

  12. go the library, yoga practice, meditation, book store, out for a bike ride...

  13. Telling them you just need to be alone for a while wouldn't be rude.

  14. It's not rude at all, just tell them you need a little time to yourself.

  15. You wanna be alone?

    Lock yourself in the washroom.


  16. I have the same problem..There are days when I really want to be "left alone".I wish I can get the point across that I`m not mad,I`m tired and need a short period of time to myself..UGH!!!

  17. Because

  18. It could be taken as rude, depending on how you say it. But if you need your space and alone time, people should respect that. So if you just calmly let them know that you're feeling a little overwhelmed or you just feel like being alone for a while, that would be fine to tell them.

  19. No it is not rude, it is your life, and yours to do with as you please, to spend the hours alone if you like, tell others that this is your time, and you do not want to be disturbed by anything, and if they do, disturb you,  just repeat it "ad nauseam", ( to the point of sickness ), do not reply anything else, just "this is my time, and I want some peace and quiet, go away"....

  20. Go to the bathroom lock yourself in there and tell everyone around you that you don't want bothering you that you are pooping a big nasty one.   For sure they'll leave you alone then.  Most times when you ask to be left alone the people that care about you become concerned and want to figure out a way to help.  That is why they do the complete opposite of what you ask...

  21. Yes, everyone needs a little alone time. I know I do.=)

  22. I don't think it is rude. Everybody needs to spare some time with alone sometimes. If people are trying to make you talk because they're worried, just simply thank them for their concern but you need to be alone for a while, and maybe you can just catch up with them later. It might make others feel hurt but if they really care about you they would understand.

  23. no it's not every one needs there own space just tell them f off and let me be ,as long as you aren't selfish and neglect full it's cool

  24. It is rude.

    Maybe find a nice way to tell them you need some more space.

    Please answer mine:;...

  25. You absolutely have a right to be left alone from time to time.  Sometimes others don't understand or know that you just need some down time.  You just want quiet.  

    If you make your point clear but polite, no one would consider this rude:

    "Y' know?  I've been so busy (or fill-t-in-the-blank) lately that I would really appreciate some time to myself.  It's not that I don't appreciate your (whoever) concern, but I've just got to be alone for awhile."

    If you can say something like that without any sarcasm or anger, they will understand.

  26. I know how you feel! I wanted to just be alone and take a nap today but as soon as I laid down everyone wanted to call me. I was too lazy to get up and turn my phone off. So finally I just decided to get up and forget about my nap, and guess how many phone calls I've gotten since? Zero!!! lol

    Is there a way that you could maybe just get in your car, drive up to a park and turn your cell phone off? Even if you just sit in your car and listen to the radio. Sometimes you just have to get away to keep your sanity.

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