short version: I'm in love with this girl, she loved me back, we went steady, she broke it off cuz of her mom, havent been together in a year, still friends, I'm freaking out.
I love her very much so. and we got into a deep conversation and I cried and told her I'm doing my best to let go of her and she cried and told me not to let go but if we are just friends why should I hold on to something that won't be.
I'm trying to just let go but It's crazy! I was just logging of going to dye my hair, then she logged on so now I'm talking to her instead of taking a shower, dying my hair, that sorta thing.. That happens a lot!
I do everything, and anything she asks me too. I just drop whatever it is I'm doing. and Cater to her. and I can't help it. I love doing it because it's out of my love for her.
but I keep getting hurt. hoping we get back together and it never happens...
how can I just let go to stop this vicious cycle of pain I'm trapped in?