
Why can't I kiss her? Or how could I?

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I have this girlfriend, kinda complicated. I asked her out about 5 weeks ago, she said yes, but then said "Well maybe we should just hang out more" so two weeks later I asked her out "seriously" (I guess) and she said yes. We had been holding hands during the in between period. I really like her, and I've kissed girls before, on the first date. But this girl seems to make me obscenely nervous and I freak out whenever I think about it. Help?




  1. play truth or dare and for a dare say I dare you to kiss me  

  2. I think this girl might be really pretty because thats what hapens when your with a girl who is really pretty. All u have to do is remember that just cause shes a girl doesnt mean shes not human. Next time ur in that position. Just get close to her and lean in for the kiss

  3. See, I know how you feel. It's a difficult feeling that's unexplainable, but you need to stop being like that. Next time you're with her, just don't think about, just do it. She's your girl, and I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you kissed her. Don't have her waiting too much.

  4. well you should just do like her-she likes you. it cant be that hard. :]

  5. Give it time and if she's still pulling away explain your feelings to her...if she still refuses the kiss show her the door!

  6. You need to wait until it feels comfortable and easy.  Anything before that will be a disaster.  What is the hurry?

  7. That's very cute, I can only relate so much experience as typically I am on the receiving end of a first kiss in a relationship.  And in one of the two cases instructing that I didn't want to do that yet as it is an affection I reserve until after certain details are worked out first, "business before pleasure" as they say.  

    I don't know the details of what is going on here but something like a kiss is a thing you have to be patient and just know the right moment, and enough about the person for.  You never know but maybe this will be her first kiss and maybe that's something very special.  All I can say is be patient, loving, and caring.  

    And if you believe she wants to kiss you but is nervous about it as well find a way to build tension, play a game to move into it, or just do it.  Acting a little nervous and embarrassed after the kiss can be a good idea depending on what she is like as it makes her feel like you really wanted to but are afraid she didn't like it, it shows that you want and care about her approval.  And you can outright ask her if it felt good.  

    A kiss is a symbol and act of affection and it is important that the things surrounding it are appreciative, playful, and/or caring.  

    Good luck.

  8. You - Can I kiss you?

    Her - Sure


  9. Just do it. If you want to know when the right time is, it is now!  

  10. Go with the flow. Wait until you're comfortable with her to make a move. I agree with the above statements by using a game. Fun, comfortable, and most likely she'll be nervously excited too. Good luck!

    p.s. Pop in a breath mint when you see her, just to be safe!

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