
Why can't I lose weight?!?

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I'm eating 1500 cals a day, exercising (running, walking or jogging) near enough every day and weight training 3-4 times a week... i've been doing this for 4-5 weeks now and i've actually GAINED 2lbs!!

what is happening.. and how can i stop it and lose instead?




  1. you are looking at it from the wrong perspective. You have more than likely gained muscle weight which weighs more than fat, and you may be hydrating more. Also, as a woman, you kind of have to take an average weight over the course of a monthly cycle or weigh yourself at the same times during your cycle to get an accurate measure of weight state. Women's weight will fluctuate over the course of their cycle due to water retention.

    Also, you may not be taking in the right mix of nutrients in your 1500 calories. You need a customized balance of proteins, fats, carbs, etc and the correct kind to make good progress. 80% of weight loss is what you eat. Eat the right foods and exercise at the right times, doing the right exercises and the weight will come right off. Also, the amount of exercise has a great impact too. Running for 10 minutes a day will do nothing in the short term.

    See if you can't get access to a personal trainer and/or nutritionist through your school, employer, health care plan, or community to get you on the right path. They know their stuff and can get you on the right path if you can't afford to keep one.

    Also, find some kind of activity that you enjoy doing so that the exercise will come easier. Or, I know people that have taken part time jobs for a while that are physically demanding at places like UPS or loading freezer trucks because you will loose all kinds of weight that way and get paid for it.

  2. your not gaining weight youre gaining muscle..look at all the exercise you do..

  3. You should eat pizza, my diet is the next:

    I eat maybe 4 or 5 time per week pizza

    I don't do exercising like you

    I drink water only in the nights

    and sice 2 years ago (no subo de peso) i don't know how can i say that xD

  4. You gained weight because you are gaining muscle mass, so that means you are doing things right!!  You probably have lost body fat and don't realize it. Keep up the good work!!  

  5. 2 lbs is within noise.  It is possible that you have gained weight because you are trading muscle for fat which is a good thing.  It sounds like you are on the right path, keep it up.

  6. maybe your too fat!!!

  7. you will gain muscle at first which weighs more than fat, keep it up and drop your calorie intake by 200 -300 for a total of 1200 to 1300 calories a day.  Also you need to lift weights in order to build more muscle.  Muscle will help burn calories too and you will notice results a lot faster.  

  8. the 2 pounds you gained are probably muscles

    try going to a curves or something

  9. It probably would be better to measure either your bmi, or use a tape measure to  measure inches lost instead of pounds. Do you feel more toned? Clothes loose etc? Muscle does weigh more than fat. Also maybe a food diary would be good, as there any sneaky ways of calories mounting up and no matter how much excercise you do, if you consume the same calories that you burn, you will stay the same weight. Hope this helps.

  10. 1: Did you use the same scales at the same time of day on the same floor wearing the same clothes etc.. etc.. to measure your weight?

    2: Are you >ReallY< only eating 1500 Calories a day?  Any time anything touches your mouth, write down what it is and how much of it you eat. Count EvErYtHinG, not just large meals.  Are you perhaps the fridge?

    If you are indeed gaining weight with this stated regieme, get yourself along to the national physical laboratory immediately.  They'd be very interested in you because you appear to be breaking at least two laws of thermodynamics and might, in fact, be a perpetual motion machine of some sort.

  11. could be muscle gain.  toss your scale, weight fluctuates everyday.  take a picture now and compare it in 4 months, i bet that as long as you do what you say, you'll look alot better

  12. Lisa,

    you are probably gaining weight because you have gained muscle, but lost fat, which is great!

    make sure u weigh yourself 1st thing in the morning as soon as u get out of bed, before you eat etc.

  13. well due to the exercise and weights its likely youve been building up muscle which is heavier than fat you shouldnt rely on your weight but how you look

  14. well it all depends because you do need vitamin and proteins. and if you keep donig it the you will see results. and it all depends how long of exercise you are doing.

  15. A. Your getting muscle which weighs more than fat.

    B. I don't know how big you are, but if you are already small and trying this, then no....nothing is going to help you lose then unless you go down to eating 1200 cals a day and thats all really. Don't go below that though, not healthy.

    My guess is probably A though.

  16. i have the same problem.. how old are you??. The bigger you are the easier it is to lose weight

  17. You don't say what weight you started at; however, if you did absolutely no exercising before, it's highly probably that your body is building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.  You need to also measure your inches around your chest, waist, thighs, and arms.  If you are losing inches, but gaining weight, it's highly probably you are adding muscle mass.

  18. ok heres the thing. If you never exericed that much b4 or eat healthy b4, ur body needs to get used to the changes, and alot of times that means you will gain some weight b4 u lose it. if you keep up what ur doing you will see that in a couple of weeks u will lose alot of weight because ur body will be getting used to what ur doing. so keep it up. and also remember that just because ur not eating alot of calories it doesnt mean the food is healthy. make sure ur eating healthy. =]

  19. Theres somtng wrong i guess see here:

  20. Odds are is you gained muscle which is heavier than fat. The best way to measue is in inches which gives a more accurate idea if the exercise is working.

  21. you need to start drinking alot of water; then you will gain water weight but eventually lose it though work outs.

    help me!!!!;...

  22. just try not to at on lunch time one week u ll see the result

  23. Metabolism matters...

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