
Why can't I now disclose my email address?

by  |  earlier

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This is a follow up to a prior question which was not really answered.

My email address on the first group I set up was initially set to "not disclosed" I now WANT to disclose it to the group, but having orginally set it to "non disclose" I no longer seem to have the option to change it.

When I click on members on that group, and click on my profile, there is NO CHECKBOX underneath my email address letting me change my setting from do not disclose to disclose.

I am a moderator who has set up several other yahoo groups since then, always allowing people to hide their email address but disclosing my own, and on those I do see a check box allowing me to change my election.

On my first group, however, where I initially elected not to disclose it there is NO CHECKBOX giving me the option to change it.




  1. actually, I was the one who answered your last question.  you're still going to the wrong place to find this.  you'd log onto that group, top middle of the page near group title click edit membership, that's where you're going to locate this. you can go there and check, and uncheck all day long. no member will be able to edit this under or within the members list. each including you need to

    go to edit membership top of the home page- scroll to "Email Address Display-

    Your email address is always hidden from group members except in messages you post.

    X Hide my email and IP address from the group moderators.

    Note: If you choose this option, you will not be able to post messages to the group via email."

    for those who wanna know:

    this is a group setting under management- under group settings memberships- Membership Type and Welcome Message (Edit) <-- click the edit- once you check and save 'Allow members to hide their email address from the group' there is no reversing it. you also loose the polls features, for those reading. a group setting as such allows each member the option to disclosed their e-mail address, or not and it is individual setting per member that they must choose and select themselves. a member can then hide their addy one week, and not the other. those who choose to hide it must then post from off the group, they cant via e-mail (since it's hidden)

  2. Once you (or any other member) have selected to hide your email address as you did in your first group, the setting cannot be changed back.  That is why on your first group you do not see a "checkbox" and option to change it from "not disclosed" to "disclose".   On your other groups, you do see the checkbox because you did not opt to hide your email address on them.

    I hope this info answers your question.

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