
Why can't I play the F5 chord while standing?

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I just got my guitar two days ago and I've been playing the intro for smoke on the water and have been practicing some (power)chords but I'm having trouble with playing the F5 G5 and A5 (lower E string) standing why could this be? Am I holding the guitar wrong or are my fingers too short (am a petite girl)?




  1. I don't understand what's wrong about Smoke on the Water. But as I see it, you probably hold the guitar wrong - you must have your left thumb behind the neck opposite to the other four fingers to play a power chord.

    As for SotW, the riff isn't played on the lower E string. It's some acoustic-like bastardisation and for me as a metalhead an insult...just kidding. Here's it correct:

    and a few other DP hits.

    What you MUST learn:

    1, chords (major, minor, many as you can)

    2, scales

    3, notes, how to read them - the most important!!

    4, some theory

    5, improvisation

    And what you MUST do: get some private lessons!!!!!! Pleeeeease don't be silly and say to yourself 'I don't need them' because you do need them...obviously (no insult). Apparently, you have already developed or are developing a few bad habbits that are gonna cause you huge troubles later (and are starting with SotW now). SO please book a few lessons. It doesn't have to be formal teacher...even a friend who plays can teach you the basics, BUT it mustn't be a friend who knows a bit must be at least someone who can play such things:

    Simply a decend player

    Good luck. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me:

  2. Forget about the F5 and any other chord that has a "5" after it. These are the so-called "power chords" and in my book,  are a foul invention and for amateurs only. They do not give you any sense of major or minor, and really ought to be part of a bassline anyway.

    Learn some real guitar chords. They are all over the net, but here's a link to many printable chord charts.

    But mainly, you should really investigate getting guitar lessons before you learn all the bad habits of those who use power chords.

    Now PLEASE! PLEASE!  Ã¢Â€Â“ enough of "Smoke on the Water" already! Nobody is going to improve this song and I wish they'd quit trying.

    Now you don't have to worry about why you can't play it standing. However, if you must know, it's just a matter of your "reach." As you become more practiced, it won't be a problem.


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