
Why can't I post a blog on my 360 page???????

by  |  earlier

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I have written a blog twice now on the blog page. The first time, I clicked on the preview to check it out and it was gone! So I rewrote the whole thing, and this time I clicked on post this blog or whatever it says and it didn't work either!!! I am so mad!! Why isn't this working?????




  1. yea this aq serious problem

  2. This is happening on alot of pages. U can go bk into Settings n make sure everything is set correctly, but most likely it's just a glitch. Yahoo! Is working on a brand new profile page that will replace our 360's sometime this year  so, unfortunately they r no longer fixing the problems that come up on our pages. Here's a link to the latest news from Yahoo! concerning these issues:

    additional tip: b4 u Preview ur blog next time, highlight n copy it, that way if it "disappears" u can go bk n just paste it in again. I've also used the back button n "found" my blog there.

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