
Why can't I put real picture in profile??

by  |  earlier

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Yes, I have a 360 account and I uploaded a picture from my computer, and I told it to select it and to make it my current picture... and it still shows that grey face profile, and not the picture. I don't get it... can anyone help?




  1. You picture should be in JPEG format and under 5MB.

    Make sure that you clicked on "Set as primary" on the right side of your picture in your Yahoo! 360 page. If not, then check it out here one more time:

    Now, come back to Yahoo Answers. Click the "My Profile" link to the upper right of this Yahoo Answers page, then click "Edit My Info" in the top left box on the Answers profile page. Scroll down to the image section and check the option of showing the 360 picture. Click Preview and then the OK button.

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