
Why can't I run windows update?

by  |  earlier

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When I try to open the automatic updates application it always says wuauclt.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close, I really want to update my computer but it the updating thing keeps closing its driving me insane please help.




  1. hmmm.. try running in the help and support,

    go to start, click help and support, then under pick a task section click keep your computer up to date with windows update, and it should start updating from there without internet explore.

    Good Luck.

  2. You may want to make sure the updates have not been disabled.

    Go into the Control Panel (classic view) and dbl click on administrative tools and then dbl click Services. Look for Automatic Updates and (double click it to open) make sure its set to automatic and is on. If not, start the service button and then use the drop down box to make it automatic. When you restart your computer it should work.

  3. Basically it deals with a trojan virus.


    This should help you explain it more than I can in the answer box.

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