
Why can't I sing in front of people, I'm EXTREMELY nervous and i need to let my voice out to the world!

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I need to sing to let myself come out, it's itching to come out but i don't have any good friends and i don't want to show my family because none of them sing, what should i do? I WANT TO SING TO PEOPLE

- no retarded answers please! X0




  1. Believe me I know that feeling. I was the same way. What helped me come out of my shyness was I tried Karaoke one night . I was so nervous I thought was going to vomit. My stomache was turning, hands were sweaty, and I was shaking from head to toe. When I got on stage I felt like everyone was just starring at me. After I sang everyone cheered and told me I had a great voice. That was the greatest feeling. I still do Karaoke once in a while but still get just as nervous. You will do great! It's time to let your voice out and sing like you know you can :)

  2. I got over my fear of singing in front of people by volunteering at nursing homes, and at a Veteran's Hospital near my home. Maybe you could find some group to volunteer with and get over your "stage fright". Hope you can do it, now I love singing in front of people, and so do they!

  3. start out with something simple like going on you-tube and singing to songs. then after that have one of your closest friends listen. then more and more. but little by little.

  4. well first of all ok this is guna sound stupid but u need to go to your room and sing to the mirror and then when you're comfortable with singing to yourself, move onto your dog, cat watever...once you can do that w/o feeling completely stupid...move on to the person you feel the closest to, someone you know will be honest about your voice...and go from there.

  5. I can tell you from experience that it's so much harder to play/sing in front of people you know than it is total strangers. Are you able to get to a karaoke bar and just have some fun and boost your confidence before you step out?

    Another question I have is that if you can't sing in front of your family (which I can't either right now) than how do you exercise your voice? I have no problems doing vocal exercises, but I can't sing as in doing a recital. I just get freaked. Do you do vocal exercises in the house or are you afraid? If you have some fear, perhaps you could try an improv class. Yup, an improv class. Acting can help your singing. Or you can take a singing in a group community type class. This means you're not on your own, and again it boosts your self esteem.

    There is a great book you can get called "The Inner Game of Music" and I highly suggest you read it. This book is all about dealing with the best way to cope with many musical situations but it does especially include stage fright. I think it's by Barry Green.

    He may also have a website?

    All the best!

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