
Why can't I sing softly?

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Does it mean I have a weak voice if I can hit a note when singing normally, but barely can hit it when I sing softly to myself???




  1.   Practice,practice,practice,and stand up when you sing and take your time,  will  hit  that  NOTE...................

  2. Singing softly is not that hard to do....

    All you have to do is pretend like you whispering in someones ear....

    You sing in subtle breathes and real slowly. Listen to some Barry White , Al Green or Lionel Ritchie...they really know how to sing softly.  Just take your time and sing real slowly & softly like a gentle whisper...don't rush through notes or you'll crack.  

  3. What you are talking about are vocal dynamics. Chances are you are not singing correctly when you are singing softly. You still need to use the same abdominal muscles be able to control the pitch through the vocal chords. The best thing to do is to make sure you warm up before you sing (voice lessons are important to help you develop correct warm-up exercises). When you warm up you have better control of your dynamics. Try it, practice, and you will be surprised by how your voice will develop over time.

  4. It's generally harder when you sing softly. That's why a lot of rockers scream to hit high notes. You can try falsetto- head voice.

    You have to practice and warm up every day.

  5. No, you don't have a weak voice. To be able to sing softly, and correctly, you need to control breathing better than when singing louder. More support from your abdomen is necessary.

  6. not necesarily, you just need to practice different pitches at different levels of noise, soon you should be able to sing high and soft  

  7. Hi Twinkle

    If you can hit a note normally , then you should definitely be able to hit it when you sing softly. The technique is using the diaphram (stomach muscle). Can you scream? Do you notice how hard the stomach gets when you tend to yell louder and louder.

    Same thing in singing, The stomach muscle is your volume control and you need to sing using that and not the chest or the head. You intake the air and when you sing, you let the diaphram control the volume. The harder you push, the louder it gets.

    Practrice with your hand on your stomach and you should see it rise and fall as you inhale and exhale. This way, you wuill never get any sore throat with this technique.  

  8. yes.

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