
Why can't I sleep anymore?

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for some reason lately i cant sllep at night but i used to go to bed early n wake early but now i cant sleep and im about to start middle school on friday.plz answer,i need an explanation so i can get bk on schedule.




  1. Drink warm tea with milk and honey 1-2 hours before going to bed. Or take an insomnia pill such as here

  2. it's because it's summer and you have no school!

    just force yourself to get back on track. and if you have to the first night take niquil to make you fall asleep early then you'll be up at a normal time the next day.

  3. try taking a sleeping pill like tylenol at least 2 hours before you lay don for bed not go to sleep that way it'll make its way into your system!


  4. It's probably stress. My problems usually have the biggest effect on me when I try to go to sleep, too.

    Try talking to someone about anything that's bugging you before you get ready for bed.

    If you're drinking anything with caffeine in it right before bed, stop. It will mess you up.

  5. Your probably anxious for school to start or may even be stressed about it, I dont know I dont know you. So set you alarm to wake up at the time you would normally for school and force yourself to get up, you should be on a normal cycle in a few days, you will be tired but its about the only way other than medication to break it easy. Other than that I wouldnt worry too much about it, it happens even with adults.

  6. I totally get what you mean. I'm use to going to bed at 10 and waking up at 5:30.. But since summer I've been going to bed at 5:30 and not waking up until around 3 or 4 in the afrernoon!!!!! I still haven't found a cure and I start school september 3rd....

  7. That happened to me too. I got over it by waking up early.If you wake up early you will be sleepy early and it helps a lot.If you can't do that watch a boring show and you will sleep really easily. Watch something lame.LOL.

    Good luck and try it please!

    Don't sleep in.


  8. Try drinking milk or eating rice before going to bed, both contain melatonin, a natural sleeping aid, which help you sleep better. From

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