
Why can't I sleep very well?

by Guest45223  |  earlier

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I went to bed at 11pm after watching a TV program and now I just cannot get to sleep and it is almost 1pm.

It has been like this for the past few months, I usually drop off at around 4am, but it is FAR too late! I usually have to wake up at 10am too, but even then I cannot sleep during the night, despite how tired I am.

I've tried almost everything I think off, I have stopped eating/drinking dairy products after 5pm, I no longer drink alcohol in the evenings, I had tried sleeping with the whole house in darkness (scares me!) and I've tried sleeping with the hall light on.

In April/May I was a perfect sleeper, I just don't know why I can't sleep.

I'm not under any major stress, like most I worry about finances and work, but I have always worried a little about things like that.

I don't know if I should go to the doctors because I don't think it is an actual health problem since I am quite fit and healthy.

Any advice on what I should do?

I am actually sitting here with my eyes dropping closed, but I won't sleep! Any ideas why?





  1. Try reading a couple hours before you want to go to bed; maybe two hours before.

  2. you should check your doctor and explain to him/her your problem. The doctor might put you on medication that will help you sleep. You can never tell if your healthy when only you makes a conclusion.

  3. You have alot on your mind. Same happens to me. You might have Insomnia so check with your doctor.  

  4. LOL.......

  5. ive been the same recently, no matter what time i go to bed i cant sleep till around 3-4am... i think for me its worrying and just not being able to turn my brain off lol but i really don't know why else it could be for you

  6. What I did was to reset my biological clock to do this I stayed awake 2 days in a row until 8pm and then went to sleep and that sorted it out :>

  7. umm... did you have a bad dream before these symptoms?  Your brain probably had something in mind that had it scared and dont want to face it again.

    Hope I helped. Sweet (staying-up) dreams

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