
Why can't I stop eating???

by  |  earlier

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OK, so I'm 12 i weigh 105 and I'm 5'2". I don't really think I'm gonna grow much more cause I got my period when I was 10 and my growth has already started slowing. So, why can't I stop eating? I have a HUGE appetite and I eat like every hour! I have 2 or 3 meals and like 1000 snacks! And I try not to eat so much because I am a very health conscious person, but sometimes I just can't help it! What is wrong with me???




  1. only eat 3 meals each day. NO SNACKS. period. tell your momt o look after you, and whenever you get a snack, she's stop you. :)

    or just dont buy snacks anymore.  

  2. instead of limiting yourself  to 3 meals a day eat 6 small but healful meals. that way you wont get hungry and you can stop yourself from snacking so much. and if you must snack only snack on healthy stuff like granola and fruit.

  3. Its a drug! But, you can stop it. Get your mom to help stop you from eating. Do whatever you can do. If you keep eating like that you will weigh 200 lb. by the time you are 14. Take control and don't let food control you. You are not fat now but if you keep eating you will get fat. Stop before you get too fat and then you'll have no hope. It very easy to gain weight but its hard to lose it.

  4. Just drink tons of juice, water or milk. teenagers tend to eat overeat because they require the nourishment for a healthy growth. Go out an do some physical activities, hang with friends, hang at the mall, because very, easily this could get out of hand.  Do not eliminate these snacks from your diet because you will crave them even more more. If you eat tons of junk food, to stop, try thinking of how constipated you'll be, it's very painful.

  5. You cant stop eating because food is invinceble

  6.   Well im not being funny but you could have worms, I would go to drs. and ask him its nothing to be ashamed of

  7. Nothing is wrong with you.  Kids your age need to eat.  Right now it sounds fine.  Everyone eats a bag of chips once in a while - no big deal.  It is what you do over a long period of time that matters.  Continue to be active and eat healthily.  It sounds like you are doing the right things.  

  8. even if ur height has stopped growing other parts of ur body are probably still developing. Thats why ur getting a craving for food. Dont worry weve all been there. I remember my brothers used to tease me telling me im going to get fat.  dont let ppl critisize or tease. Its normal. Just make sure u dont eat too much junk. Try to eat more healthy. But listen to ur body. ur body is smart and does things for a reason. Make sure ur getting all the vitamins u need from all the foods. Ur body cud be craving for a certain vitamin. Eat vegetables meat eggs n milk. also try eat kidneys too. cos when u get periods ur body needs a certain vitamin called iron cos ur losing blood which does cause u to crave. Just dont be too worried were not all born to look like models. as long as ur healthy and not obese youll be fine.

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