
Why can't I stop myself?

by  |  earlier

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I know that I'm quite clingy with my man, and I've always said to myself 'OK, next time don't act so desperate', but I always do. And when he's gone for a few days I never call him because I always feel like he wants me to leave him alone. I'm not terribly clingy though. Does anyone have any ideas to help me stop myself from being clingy to him?




  1. find a new hobby or start doing some volunteer work to feel a sense of accomplishment, so he's not the one you depend on for everything.  You will feel better about yourself, and he well admire you  a bit, too.

  2. You are tying yourself in knots. Be rational but if you want to call him ask yourself WHY? is it to check in on him or to make yourself feel better? Also do you trust him to be away from you or are you acvting on sub concious paranoia?  

  3. i feel a bit like that too

    try occupying yourself... go and have a girly day with mates.... play games on net.... read... write or whatever your hobbies are =]

  4. change your mental thoughts of yourself to create an independent charactor, that way when you meet a guy you will like him for him and have enough independence to not look clingy


  5. please try to engage urself in some games or hobbies

    it'll work, or have companionship of some friends

  6. Yes, you need to stop it or you will drive him away from you.  It is a true sign of lack of trust and confidence in your relationship.  Just make a decision to stop.

  7. is ok to be clingy but not to the extream. if you feel secure about yourself and focus on the relationship in a positive way? then you shouldn't feel so desperate..right =]

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