
Why can't I stop thinking about something I know I don't what?

by Guest61474  |  earlier

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I've come to realize that, although, being in a relationship sounds nice, it's just not for me. If I wanted to be in one, I'd do something about it, but I don't. So why can't I get the thought of wanting to be with someone out of my head when the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages?




  1. Why? everyone needs someone sometime.  Is that a song? anyways why not?  

  2. It is natural to crave companionship. Your emotions are fighting your logic.

  3. Because, at the moment, you're trying to imagine committing to an unknown person. However, it sounds like the idea of companionship and love is appealing.

    Don't worry about "finding" one. When/if you meet the right person, you'll naturally know what to do and how comfortable you are with it.

    Like anything, there will be advantages and disadvantages. But you'll never be able to size them up until you are dealing with a real person as the object of your affection.

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