
Why can't I stop thinking about this guy?

by  |  earlier

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I keep having dreams about this guy, which leads me to thinking about him constantly. Thing is, I haven't seen him in like, almost a year, and we weren't even close friends, he was in my art class last year [I'm homeschooled now], and I mean, he was a nice guy and we got along pretty well, but I never even had a crush on him or anything. Is this weird? Why do I keep having dreams about him?




  1. It could mean any thing.... I used to have a similar thing happen. I would dream about a friend from school, he wasnt really a friend or anything, I just kind of knew him and the next day I would run in to him somewhere random... I wouldn't really think too much into it...

  2. you like him, thats y

  3. Maybe that does sound a little weird. Find out his screen name or his phone number or his MySpace page and start talking to him. Maybe you need to start talking to him.

  4. It's normal,your mind is constantly thinking, during the day you can control it, at night you can't. You may or may not have feelings. the dreams will go away. Only you can decide who you like. People have dreams about anything, items, people, animals, places)

  5. cause you love him. FIND HIM! LET HIM KNOW! how romantic...

  6. It may be a sign that there is something he needs to tell you or you may get something usefull out of just talking to him. Find a way to contact him and just start off with a casual conversation. It would probobaly be best if you didnt tell him that you were having dreams about him.

  7. Dreams are very weird things that your unconscious mind controls.  

    However when you have crushes on someone, you are using your conscious mind.

    So just because you have dreams about him doesn't mean you like him.  He just seems to "pop" into your mind at the moment.

  8. Dreams can vary, they can mean you are unconsciously thinking of him.  Or you might be having a memory dream, which it sounds like you are.  That is when you remember things from the past and dream about them or it.  Then when you are thinking of him constantly you think of him again in your dreams.  It is a never ending cycle.  You can if you want quit dreaming of him by not thinking so much about him during the day.  That way during the night, you think of something else.

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