
Why can't I use my webmaster or admin address to subscribe to a group?

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I manage several Yahoo! Groups with separate web sites and want to address the groups as the webmaster or admin of the site. Yahoo!, however, won;t let me subscribe to my groups as "" or "". Why not?

- John




  1. Yahoo will not allow you to choose so-called "role" names as your Yahoo ID due to the possibility of abuse of power these IDs might encourage.

    I do wish that Yahoo would consider allowing group owners and moderators to protect their personal email addresses when performing moderator functions.

    Find a name that you can live with, that will be acceptable to Yahoo.

    Good luck.

  2. Yahoo wants you to use thier services which in turn makes you see thier product advertisements . If you had Yahoo mail plus which is like 20 something a year it would allow you to forward from a yahoo mail to anywhere you wish .

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