
Why can't I watch certain things on t.v. when i eat???

by  |  earlier

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i've always had this problem and this may sound wierd but if theres something on t.v. that is old like from the 70's or even 80's i can't even look at it,it makes me feel really sick and disgusted.i can only watch stuff that is new (i can tell by how the picture looks) like judge judy or fresh prince would be fine but not the brady bunch lol but its only when i if im not eating i can watch it people in my family are used to me walking out of the room when something old is on lol i hope this makes sense but yea what is wrong with me




  1. probably makes you feel old. everything is dated... life is short :(... lol dont worry tho i feel the same way.. watching old game shows makes me sick, like the price is right? i mean.. come on.. update your c**p a little.. please.. hahahaha atleast wheel of fortune, and jepordy have updated and seem new.

  2. you listen to too much rap.

  3. you just have issues, go see a psychology lol  

  4. I can't eat while animals are on t.v. but I can eat if my dog,or somebody else's dog or cat is around me when I'm eating. And i know what you mean by the old show thing,too,sometimes it gives me a headache, and sometimes I can't eat when I watch old stuff.

  5. That's strange.

  6. maybe you had a bad experience that was somehow related to the  70's and 80's...only you can figure out ..

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