
Why can't I wear contact lenses?

by  |  earlier

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Well I have bad eyes and i have recently been to an eye doctor and I asked his about contacts... He said i couldn't wear them but he didn't tell me why! Anyone know? :(




  1. Why on earth didn't you ask him?

    It is quite rare for anyone to not be able to wear contacts (unless of course they have some sort of physical deformity of their eyeballs).  If it were me, I'd be seeking another opinion from a respected optician.

    Contact lens technology has come an awful long way in the past couple of decades (I know because I've been wearing contacts for about 24 years now) and the reasons which used to exist years ago for why people couldn't wear contacts have mostly been corrected with the latest lens technology.

  2. You should go back and ask.

  3. I would go to a different eye doctor and if he says you can't wear them I would ask him why as far as I know everyone can wear them.

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