
Why can't I write my paper?

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How come sometimes I just can't bring myself to write a paper?

Any good ways to motivate yourself? I'm an english major and I usually get good grades it's just that sometimes i get out of the groove and I get to the point where I never want to write another paper again.





  1. I do understand how you feel. I am not an English major, but I did think about double majoring in English (writing) because I enjoy it and skilled at it.

    What you are describing is writers block, but also if you are an English major depending on how many courses you are taking in English you could have quite a bit of writing to accomplish. I am a psych major and I love psych, but sometimes there is just so much psych I need to learn, study and accomplish that I don't want to look at it for the next 5 years.

    What works best for you with writing? I work best when I plan my writing and sometimes outline a simple draft so I can organize my paragraphs. I have also not begun my paper with the intro, but have tried to actually do some supporting paragraphs and then went back and pieced it all together. Try different working environments like complete silence or maybe something with some noise in the background like music.

    There was one time I was taking this English course and it consisted of so much writing that I was plain tired of doing the task, but knew it needed to get done. So what I did it told myself I could not complete any other subject or homework assignment in school until I had such and such paragraph or percentage done with my English. Because I knew I had other homework I had to do, I made sure I got my personal deadline done to get on my other homework.

    You could give rewards. Also try not just sit in front of the paper or screen in a blank state-- it does no good and actually delays the process.

    Hope some of this helps and hope your progress soon!

  2. I have trouble starting papers too.

    To force myself to start, I make myself a deal, like: Write three paragraphs and you can have a Coke. Or, finish one page and you can go out with your friends.

    Give yourself a (realistic) goal and a (fun) reward.

    Also keep in mind that everybody's different, and your work habits aren't necessarily a problem. Some people can start writing early and get a little bit done every day; other people just work better if they start a few days before something's due.

    Do whatever works best for you, whatever it takes to get it done. :-)

  3. Probably stress leading to writer's block.

    Obviously you can't force it, so try to distract yourself with other things, or do something to help yourself relax and clear your mind, whatever works for you. Massage, gardening, washing your car, watching a great film, a long bike ride.... anything could help relieve stress. Hopefully when you do sit again to write you'll do it with renewed energies.

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