
Why can't Iran be trusted with nuclear power?

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this question is easy to answer with opinion, i beg the answerers of this question to be as specific as they can be. I don't mind opinion, i have plenty myself, but can anybody cite any specific reasons that Iran should not be allowed to develop their own nuclear power. Are they dangerous? then why are they so, and when have they demonstrated this danger. Is it because they are theocratic? <If so, then shouldn't we be cracking down on Israel. Are they unstable? can we demonstrate this fact? I welcome all opinions but would be stunned and delighted by any evidence that backs up your opinion or even just a reason that you hold this opinion.




  1. Any country that advocates the destruction and elimination of another country should be prevented from possessing nuclear power.  I realize that we can not achieve this objective in every case, but if we can we should.  This does not mean that I advocate attacking Iran at this time.  I think there are many other options to try first.  We said war was the last option with Iraq but did not follow our word.

  2. they havent pre-emptively attacked ANYONE. Iraq attacked them in their last war

    They are asking the same question about the US, who pre emptivly attacked and occupy to soveriegn nations on false accusations.

  3. it can, but the Bilderberg Group is afraid of it.

    the Bilderberg Group, which basically runs the show, consists of all of the world&#039;s top bankers, politicians, royalty, media moguls, etc.

    they have annual meetings, but no press are allowed despite the fact it&#039;s such a huge VIP event:

    they are the reason why the price of gas is so high:

    it&#039;s about $150 a barrel now

    their intention is to bring down the US economy

    in particular, the middle class

    Iran threatened to ruin this plan by flooding the market with cheap oil:

    so now they have to attack Iran to stop the prices falling, they aren&#039;t doing it directly, they&#039;re using Israel:,7340,...

    so my answer is yes, Iran has every right to create energy using nuclear power like every other country is doing - it hasn&#039;t attacked anyone for 250 years!

    Israel, however.....has.

    so who, in their right minds, would want the scary Israeli gov&#039;t as a neighbor &amp; not want any form of defence?!

    Israel is the biggest combat power in the world, thanks to Bilderberg backing!

    It&#039;s Israel that can&#039;t be trusted.

  4. How?

    With 50 brigades?

    With all the nine fire-works?

    What happen to the other 41?

    Without practices on the instruction manual?

    What if Top-Gun zoom past?

    Still searching for the instruction manual?

    The last time was GPS problems.

    What if one get lost along the way?

    For having misread the instruction manual?

    Who will be looking forward on the one that gone astray?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  5. Frankly, Iran can&#039;t be trusted with nuclear power for two reasons:

    1. They advocate the destruction of Israel on religious grounds.

    2. They have supplied terrorists the world over for years, up to and including dumping weapons into Iraq while we were there.  They are a major terrorist supporting state.  Nuclear weapons in Iran would quickly become nuclear detonations in Washington DC, London, Madrid, etc.

  6. Because they might bomb Hiroshima, or Nagasaki.

    Wait a minute, didn&#039;t someone already do that?

  7. President Dwight D. Eisenhower established a program called &#039;atoms for peace&#039; in the &#039;50s in which we supplied the world with the knowledge, equipment, and some scientists to allow the world to develop nuclear energy.  Iran was included.  What it is is Iran already has probably more than 200 nuclear power plants.  They have had those for years.  The argument is with the fuel that runs these plants, Uranium 235 which is a natural component of the earth.  The US and other countries want the Iranian scientist to stop the process of enriching this U-235 into low enriched U-238 which is used in reactors and highly enriched U-238 which is weapons grade Uranium.  The leader of Iran, Mr. Amadinejad, publicly announced that they have made highly enriched U-238, but we have to back up to the war between Iran and Iraq.  Saddam Hussein used gas in his warfare and killed many Iranians and Hezbollah formed in Iran to help in the fight and if the US did not step in there and take over Iraq by removing Hussein, it would have been very tragic.  Highly enriched U-238 is used for powering submarines or nuclear weapons and the U-238 leftover after enrichment is used for armour piercing weapons.

  8. You CANNOT allow the man who has VOWED to wip a country off the map obtain the most destructive weapon on our planet.  That&#039;s factual, unless you think Israel and her 7 million citizens should be destroyed also.  They are supporters of global terrorism: Hezbollah, Hamas, PLO, and many more.  What if a suitcase bomb got into their hands.  Tel Aviv would be no more.  He can&#039;t be trusted.

  9. Before anyone gets too upset, let me say I am not in favour of Iran having nuclear weapons.

    &quot;Trust&quot; isn&#039;t really the question as it is so subjective and individualistic.

    Obviously, Iran feels that the US and Israel can&#039;t be trusted with nuclear power...

    I would ask what legal right does Iran have to nuclear power and/or what legal right do people have to deny Iran nuclear power.

    And as it stands, there is no legal or moral right to say Iran should not have nuclear power.

    That said, the powers that be don&#039;t trust Iran (for numerous reasons) and are willing to back that up with force hence there is a pragmatic and/or realpolitik reason why Iran won&#039;t be allowed to have nuclear power without significant restictions or conditions.

    Paul, you say &quot;Any country that advocates the destruction and elimination of another country should be prevented from possessing nuclear power&quot;- did you say this knowing that this is more or less applicable to the USA (who have used nuclear weapons on another country) and Israel as much as Iran?

    Voltaire, you say &quot;They have supplied terrorists the world over for years&quot;, as have the US, Russia, the UK, Germany, France... same for you, Dylan.

    Let&#039;s not forget who supported Saddam &amp; the Taliban (just to mention a couple ) not so long ago.

    It is very dangerous to try and take what is, after all, a realpolitik situation (&quot;we have nuclear weapons, you don&#039;t, and that&#039;s the way it&#039;s going to stay&quot;) and try to create a moral or legal argument to justify it - this is what led to the WMD fiasco and many other muddy situations.

    I would prefer:

    a) No one have such incredibly destructive weapons but failing that

    b) Honesty from politicians to their citizens - stop trying to create legal arguments (e.g. &quot;it is a violation of the NPT for Iran to have nuclear power&quot; when it isn&#039;t and your allies - Israel - are in clear violation of such) or moral arguments (such as what? &quot;we can be trusted with nuclear weapons because we are white and christian or jewish and you can&#039;t because you&#039;re muslim and theocratic&quot;?) - very dangerous.

    Just be up front and stop the hypocrisy!

    &quot;We won&#039;t let you have weapons because we don&#039;t like/trust you. We have no moral or legal justification but we do have a big army and lots of bombs.&quot;!


    Wanted to respond to your plea re Iran wanting to wipe Israel off the map...

    Here is a transcript of the Iranian President’s speech in which he stated that the Palestinian struggle will &quot;pave the way for the annihilation of the Zionist regime&quot;


    No one has ever said that they &quot;will wipe Israel off the map&quot; (except misquotes in the media).

    BUT we should always be a little careful of political rhetoric, especially from Arabic leaders who have a long tradition of flowery speeches that exaggerate as much for poetic as political effect.

    Let&#039;s not forget the &quot;evil empire&quot;, &quot;the axis of evil&quot;, &quot;mission accomplished&quot;, &quot;Weapons of mass destruction&quot; and &quot;40 minutes away&quot; etc.

    Leaders often talk big but behind the scenes, quiet diplomacy can change opinions - Egypt and Jordan refused to recognise Israel, they now do... The US used to support the Taliban and Saddam... The UK knighted Ceausescu and Mugabe...

    I&#039;ll leave you with a quote from Israeli Cabinet Minister Meir Sheetrit: &quot;We must take a neighborhood in Gaza and wipe it off the map”...


    Basically, this is a very sensitive and dangerous situation. Attempts should be made to defuse tensions not inflame them!

  10. Considering that oil will run out one day, even for Iran, I think they should have a peaceful nuclear program which can be supervised and overseen by an independent body.

    This would be necessary because the world is nervous about Iran&#039;s leader.

    No nation in the world should be allowed to own nuclear weapons. They should all be dismantled.

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