
Why can't Jesus play football?

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He wears illegal headgear




  1. The temptation for him or his dad to cheat would be too great. At least he'd never fail a urine test - he'd just turn it into wine.

    Then again have you tasted some Australian wine!

  2. Who'd wanna tackle the guy? That'd be a ticket straight to h**l.

  3. the crown? what?!

    lol; but whoever said he couldn't? I am pretty sure if Jesus rocked up to a game and demanded to play that no one would be denying him.

  4. Why cant you ask mature questions?

  5. no, most likely because he is bones.

  6. who

  7. lol. Good joke. But who said Jesus couldn't play football? Chucking him out would be against his religion! lol. Make him captain of the saints and make them play against the demons!

  8. Hes dead. and they did have football back, back, back in the day.

  9. he can be seen out at Parramatta stadium most game days

  10. Back in the 1970's there was a church in the suburb of Hawthorn that had a sign out the front.

    "What would you do if Jesus came to Hawthorn?"

    Somebody graffitied underneath "Move Peter Hudson to centre half forward".

  11. why r u on drugs?

  12. huh.

  13. Jesus gave it a whack back in the ferocious 80s and couldn't get much of a game because of "those d**n hams (hamstring injury)" and poor form. Yes, the greatest prophet who ever lived couldn't tackle a primary school spelling bee. He was hopeless. In the games he did play however, for Footscray, he was electric in attack. He would dazzle defenders before booting 60m torps for the 6 points. Yes, Jesus played alright, he played really well - except his sub-standard defense. Unfortunately, Jesus has slipped into football obscurity after only playing 2 games.

  14. well, he'donly play for the best, Collingwood, and there's only enough room for one omnipitant person at the club, and thats eddie.

  15. He did.  He was fullback for Goulburn.  I've seen it on a Mambo T Shirt

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