
Why can't MJ win a title without Pippen?

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It seems he had a great team before pippen got there, why couldn;t he get past the first round




  1. dont talk about a time in which you werent even born

  2. Because he does'nt really elevate his teamates the way the media say's..... his teammates were very good and that is why the Bulls won titles.  Wilt Chamberlain dominated far more than Jordan did, but Wilt proved that one man could not win a title.  Only when he got teammates around him did he win titles.  The same is true of Jordan, only more so, since Jordan wasn't as dominating as Chamberlain, he needed even MORE help in order to win a title.  

  3. HOW could any self-respecting Bball fan say MJ did not elevate his teamates? Luc Longley make anybodies dream team? How bout Bill Cartwright? Steve Kerr, John Paxson ( couldn`t jump over a phonebook ) BJ Armstrong. Yea, maybe MJ didn`t elevate them as much as he CARRIED them !! Jordan would literally WILL some of those teams to victory.  The Knicks would run guys at him like crazy, same as Detroits Badboys, and Michael didn`t flinch. He was a man possesed...On a mission...NOT to be denied.  Yea right, He had such a "great team" when he got there that he lit up Bird, Mchale and the boys from Beantown with a 63 spot and still got Swept out in the first round. Jordan was THE MAN !!

  4. you must be smoking something if you think he had a great team.

  5. Great argument Todd.  Haven't heard that one before.  

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