
Why can't McCain talk normally?

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Whenever McCain speaks he is constantly looking down and READING what he is saying. Now I know all speakers refer to notes and use teleprompters, etc. But if you are talking about what you plan to do for the country.....shouldn't you be able to do that without having to constantly read word-for-word? If you are talking about why you should be elected.....shouldn't you be able to make your case without having to read something that someone else wrote? Obama gives great speeches and does use a teleprompter but at least is able to come across as speaking and not reading. Referring to notes to stay on track is one thing. But McCain literally reads to us and his delivery comes across very unnatural. Often times he actually emphasizes the wrong words....resulting in a statement that sounds nothing like anyone woule ever say. I notice this because his positions on issues and closer to mine, but find it hard to get behind him when he communicates this way. It does NOT instill confidence. Anyone else notice this???




  1. I have not seen anything like you have described, except when Obama has to talk without the teleprompter. He stutters hems and haws.

    I watched the last debate twice, that was held in California at Saddleback Church hosted by the Church Pastor. B.O. stunk on his delivery most of the time.


    Ha! - B.O. stunk!

    It is on again, right now! Fox News 1am PST

  2. because he's too old to do much of anything. His speech shouldn't be the only thing we're worried about. He isn't the perfect picture of health either, lest we forget.  

  3. Wanna see McCain out talk Obama?  Stay tuned for the debates, especially the town hall.  McCain is going to outclass Obama in a big way.  It showed in the religious forum, and will be highlighted further in the debates.  

  4. Both Obama and McCain come under such pressure that perhaps both are compelled to scrutinize every word or syllable to avoid questioning.  I certainly wouldn't want to be in their shoes and take my hat off to both Senators.  

  5. "Change" your question to ask this about OBAMA, and you're making a TON of sense!!!

  6. He's old.  Now some people his age are still very sharp.  He's not one of them.  Why people refuse to admit his age is an issue, I don't know.  

  7. I guess you like the robot approach better.

    McCain is gifted with vision when the blind abound.

    Did Obama say anything in his speech on Thursday that can be substantiated with any policy (Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan or otherwise)?

    I prefer people who say what they mean, not what I want to hear.

  8. I've seen both of them speak.

    Obama sometimes stumbles with his words also...

    McCain.... not to diss him... but he is in his 70s...

    Now I think that anybody at that age has a little trouble memorizing those type of things. But.. he is running for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES.

    I don't know. I am divided.

  9. You are so correct, he doesn't talk right because he doesn't have a clue as to what is going on and what America needs, Just like Obama said the other night, We don't doubt that he loves this country, but McCain just doesn't get it.  So how could he come across as being believable?  He doesn't write any of what he's trying to say, McCain is just the puppeteer, can't you all see that?  Read the definition of PUPPETEER, And 80% of it is dementia.  

    I'm a staunch Democrat, and I do watch McCain, just to see him dance around issues and avoid questions.  Think about it?  ooops, forgive me, that's asking a lot from those that have their heads stuck up in McCains behind.  Repukelicans have been brainwashed over the last 25 years, and believe it or not those Americans will always believe they do what is told of them to do.  Look at all the loud mouth commentaries today on the airwaves, filling up their brains with propaganda rhetoric everyday of the year.  They're like little robots, doing what someone else tells them to do, thinking the way they tell them to think.  

    I guess my real question would be, when did they give up their brains?  Why don't they pick up a book to find things for themselves?  I guess that is the BIG difference between Repukelicans and Democrats, Dems don't believe anything someone tells them, they research it for themselves and then make their own conclusions regarding the situation.  All I can say to the repukes is "A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste".  Do your own researching and your own thinking, turn off the faux news and the rush limbaughs.  Try it and watch your mind open up to the REAL AMERICA.

    Hopefully you'll see it before its too late.

    Your Additional Details.....

    Taxes?.... You don't want to pay additional Taxes? and that is why you're voting for McCain?  WOW, I'm going to stop answering these idiotic yahoo questions because I might get stuck with stupidness like most online these days.

    Let's see, Are you a Millionaire five times over?  Did you know, that the company you may work for (you might be self employed) pays less taxes than you do?  Did you know that the average hard working American pay's more taxes on his meager yearly salary?  Under Bush and IF McCain's gets into office, those HARD working employees will still pay HIGHER taxes than those that make millions a year.  Google Warren Buffet, doing an interview.  Mr. Buffett said, he keeps his own books, he doesnt have tax shelters, nor does he have accountants.   He also stated he pays less taxes than his secretary and he thinks its wrong.  This coming form a VERY RICH MAN, again let me scream this too you, "HE THINKS IT IS VERY WRONG".  

    Now under Obama's Plan, those that are "WEALTHY" and I hope you're not in this catergory, but then again, you probably aren't. LOL, Not only will you receive tax cuts, but you'll also get a little MORE money on your salary.  See this is what I'm talking about when it comes to people arguing for the sake of arguing all while never making any valid points because their arguing over something another person has said and they took it as the "TRUTH".  If you're an average american like most of those that are asking idiotic questions on yahoo, then You, YES, YOU, will have more money as opposed to barely scraping by under this bush regime or mccains.

    DO YOUR HOMEWORK and then come back with some valid points.

  10. Well, um ah um umm umm He um talks  ummm better than teleprompter umm king ummmm Obama.  Ummm don't you ummm think?

  11. he talks just fine. you are an obamatron and you're not going to change the mind of any REAL American with your silly rant.

  12. Yes he is a horrible speech giver.   I'm still voting for him because he's still moderate and I'm not that easily wowed by impressive speeches that mean nothing.

  13. You are a moron.

    When was the last time YOU spoke in front of not just the entire country, but the entire world?  Wouldn't you be nervous as well?

  14. dude hes in agony and pain and hes miserable that's why hes trying to be president, so he can declare war on other country's until the people are miserable like him. by his standards the usa will be in iraq for 100 years.

  15. He's not good at public speaking either but nobody can be as bad as Bush

  16. why can't Obama stop talking like a preacher when he gives a speech. And why is he so good at written speeches but Royally SUCKS at answering questions that aren't scripted?

    Oh yeah because he has no idea what he's doing. He never says anything except "Change" he NEVER says HOW he's going to change anything. And he changes his mind on every topic every day. He is just telling everyone what he thinks they want to hear. Obama has nothing on his side except a bunch of empty, meaningless speeches that exude enthusiasm.

    I would rather vote for someone who may be less enthsiastic but knows what he wants to do. Lets just watch the Debates and see who is the better speaker.

  17. Obama studders like a child on caffine!

    He cant work w/o a teleprompter!

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