
Why can't Muslim be President?

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Recently we've heard accusations against Obama that he is Muslim, which I and everyone else knows is not true. Just another ploy being used by the far right to use scare tactics against the voting population. But what i don't understand is why its a tactic in the first place. I am currently contracted with the military in ROTC, will commission in a few years, and am also a proud Muslim American. My friends int he military trust me just as much as they would trust another brother/soldier and while I have no plans to ever get into politics i was wondering why I can die, and take the life of others, for my country. But I am not fit to represent its people simply because of the religion I believe in. Makes me think twice about who is that I am really fighting for...




  1. cause muslim religion commands killing all non muslims

  2. In principle, a Muslim could be President.  In practice, it is unlikely -- the candidate would have to convince the voting public that he takes his first duty to the Constitution, not to Allah -- and that would be a tough sell indeed.

  3. Your religion canot affect your eligibility to serve as president. Maybe you need to read the Constitution and other laws pertaining to elections.

  4. While it is Constitutionally allowable for a Muslim to run for and be elected President, in order for *ME* to vote for him he would first and foremost have to convince me that his Primary allegiance would be the this country and it's constitution and *NOT* to Islam and Allah. In light of the actions of *many* Muslims world wide that would be a near impossible accomplishment to achieve.

  5. its not a requirement not to be muslim, its just the preference of some of the voters. Just as some like deomccrats, some like republicans, etc etc.  

  6. Who said you can't?

  7. You know the answer already. Americans are extremely bigoted.

  8. Well the simple reason is that most Americans don't trust Muslims, and you must admit there are many valid reasons for that distrust currently.

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