
Why can't Obama admit he was wrong? Is he too arrogant and lacking in humility?

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On July 18, 2007, Obama told Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show, "My assessment is that the surge has not worked and we will not see a different report eight weeks from now."




  1. When has any politician ever admitted to being wrong to anything? Is that going to help his campaign? No. I think that the effectiveness of the surge still hasn't been proven to any degree. Time will tell.

    If you want to talk issues...why won't the Republicans talk about anything besides 9/11 and the war? I am waiting to hear about the economy and what they plan to do to help stimulate it and bring more money home to working people, but they have not said a thing about it yet. Since McCain is a self-proclaimed non-expert on the economy, and Palin has never done anything related to the US economy, I think they had better start talking about what their plans are because I don't feel like war propaganda is going to help people pay the bills.  

  2. Yeah i pretty much agree on the arrogant and humility. thats why people should vote for the one we can trust McCain all the way!

  3. seeing on how the terrorist are still blowing themselves up in Baghdad, it is my opinion the surge didn't work either.

  4. maybe he doesn't believe he was wrong.

  5. As far as I know they are still killing each other and blowing up things as fast as they are built.

    What about security,sewerage,electricity,medicines,...

    The only building the USA didn't blow up was The Ministry of Oil.

    Gee I wonder why.

    Talk about arrogance,Why doesn't BUSH say he was wrong about Weapons of Mass Destruction and where are all those nuclear weapons that could hit the USA.

    You Republicans are funny...

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