
Why can't Obama supporters understand?

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Hillary supporters are voting for McCain for strategy not for any other reason. If Obama wins Hillary will not be able to run again till 2016 and possibly miss her window of opportunity. If McCain wins Hillary can run in four years and maybe even against Palin.

Why can't people see this? It is a very smart and easy strategy.




  1. I understand strategy and it is great to think ahead but can't Hillary Supporters realize that by putting the wrong man in office you continue to set America back.  

    I am all for women in politics but I also understand the importance of this election and the state of the America.  By putting a man in office that is out of touch and doesn't understand the everyday struggles of Americans is not doing good for anyone ( Not Even Hillary).  People must think about the future and the state of America.  It is not about personal gain or saying Hillary is the 1st woman in office.  Hillary supporters should realize that she is a smart woman and already has a plan in place w/o your help.  

    Plus Hillary's future is far from over in politics and I am sure she will make her mark once again.  Support her efforts in the future and think about America now and the families that are struggling for health care and living pay check to pay check, and our place in the world.

    Obama supporters respect strategy but they also realize the state that America is in and they know that a Democratic will fix it and be a voice for lower/middle income America.

    Put the needs of the people 1st and ask yourself can America survive  4 years with McCain?

  2. I don't know why people think she is certainly running again.  Even if Obama loses...that is no guarantee.  I always thought she was better suited for the Senate, and later on, moving on up into the Supreme Court.  I like Hillary, I just don't think she is right for the presidency and I also believe that within the next 8 years, she will be a strong consideration for a Supreme Court Justice.

    This article only firmed my belief.

  3. Yep it's very clear from watching the RNC last night that the Republican party is old and outdated.  Convention look like a party for senior citizens 65 and up.  

  4. That is my thinking and it is great strategy.

    I would love to see a Palin vs Clinton election! This would be the greatest thing for the US.

  5. Well if someone really wants Hillary to win that bad, then they aren't being true to her express wishes.  She knows that as a person in public office, you have to make sacrifices.  The times are too risky for us to let the GOP take the executive office and Hillary knows that.  She wishes it was her to be the candidate, but she knows that this election is bigger than her, bigger than one person, and we need to help this country.  She has other ways to help make a big impact than being president.  Anyone who really knows the issues would see that voting for McCain when you believed in the Hillary platform is a bad idea.  Those who think that voting for McCain actually would be good when you follow Hillary don't understand.

  6. I don't want Hillary running against Palin. They are not anywhere near. Hillary is a lot better.

  7. Denial is a sign of desperation. And you are grasping at straws

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