
Why can't Palestinians just become citizens of Israel?

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Instead of killing innocent Israelis and then bitching about how Israel is 'oppressing' them, when its was their fault that they are bombing and killing Israelis in the frist place?




  1. good point. Probably because Hamas would then shoot them. Hamas aims at every Israeli citizen in Israel. Hamas stands for Hunt Any Man Alive Still. ( in Israel)

  2. I find it difficult to link your question to the details you have supplied.

    Every word of your details is accurate.

    The population of Israel is 20 percent Arab.  Many of them are even loyal to their country.

    There is even an Arab minister in the government.

    But the Arabs who identify themselves as Palestinians have no desire to become Israeli citizens.  Their wish is to destroy Israel and exile all the Jews again.

    But have no fear, the IDF and the religious Jews will not let such a thing happen!!


  3. you're silly, why on earth would israel make palestinians citizens when they stole the land from them, and are oppressing them and not allowing any humanitarian aid workers provide aid to palestinians in Gaza or west bank. i would think you would want to kill most of them and finish taking over their land

  4. why can't the Israels get out of our land?? do you even know what you talking about the Israels are way worse then Hitler and the n**i...

  5. i dont think it would be a good idea for israel to accept all those palestinians as citizens. however, it would be in israel's best interest to take lebanese citizens. cuz then israel's s**y meter would jump from 25.3 to a 90.  

    honestly if i had to leave america and live somewhere in the ME, i'd prolly choose israel. i dont have to worry bout a militia seizing control of the airport or durka durka jihad. secular=good. plus im a biology major and israel is a good place for biology research.

  6. You mean the one state solution for both people.

  7. Hi Benjamin,

    I, being Israeli, would never want many Muslims who presently live in Judea and Samaria to live in Israel.  Some have warped ideas about peace and some are very violent.  Some have been teaching their children to hate Jewish people, Israelis and Americans for so long that if they lived among Israelis, they would constantly have suicide bomber parties.  Many Israelis would get hurt.  No way!

    However, those who recognize Israel already live among us, have Israeli passports, they vote, they have social benefits and they live in peace.


    Ms. Miche ; })

  8. in a nut shell

    the land they have been given is nothing more than a campsite

    the people get on well with one an other but you have old hate

    remove this and you have you solution

    it will be in the end the mothers than chose the path their sons take

  9. I guess, the time is not right to ask as Israel is bent on peace so it can further with her designs of taking the war across her borders.

    This is one of the reasons I see the Muslims in Israel/ Palestine are nor surrendering.

  10. becasue we will not be (Jews) never !

    we are Palestinians

    let them get out of my home , and we will not kill any pig anymore .

  11. I suppose they could but it wouldn't have the PR value of being homeless refugees becoming 'Freedom Fighters' in order to win back their 'homeland' from a foreign usurper.  The global media probably wouldn't even cover a peace accord let alone print it or present it on the tube.  It simply will not sell my friend.  AGGHH!!  Well good luck to you.  I like this question.  Oh, you do realize that I'm being a bit on the sarcastic side right?

  12. Well, Jewish settlers who invaded Palestine started this thing more than 70 years ago but thats something I'd doubt you'd comprehend

  13. there ARE Palestinian Israelis in Israel, however they are often treated as 2nd class citizens just bc they are Arabs

  14. This is how Israel was founded, by massacring innocent Palestinians:

    From an eyewitness account of Deir Yassin (1948):

    "Everything seemed strange. There was blood everywhere. A dead woman holding her baby reminded me of my mother, so I dashed to our house. I found my mother hiding in fear in the basement and when she saw me she cried and started screaming. She told me to go to my uncle's house next door through a hole in the wall to make sure that the rest of the family was still alive. When I peered through the hole, I saw horror. I could see traces of blood all over the place. All that I could see was blood. I knew that they had all been massacred... I had lost my uncles Youssef and Mohammed Hamida."

    "there were [corpses of] women lying in houses with their skirts torn up to their waists and their legs wide apart; children with their throats cut open, rows of young men shot in the back after being lined up at an execution wall. There were even bodies of babies." Moreover, "some had vivid crimson or black scars down the left side of their throats. One of the women held a tiny baby against her body. The bullet had passed through her breast and killed the baby. Someone had slit open her stomach, cutting sideways and then upwards, perhaps trying to kill her unborn child. Her eyes were wide open, her dark face frozen in horror."

    Accounts from that war of Zionist or Israeli forces massacring people like this aren't all that rare.  The fact of the matter is, this was part of a deliberate policy by the Zionists who founded Israel to get rid of the Palestinians in the first place.  

    I think your suggestion, that the Palestinians become citizens of Israel, is absolutely right-on.  Equal rights, no more reason to complain.  However Israel regards too many Palestinians becoming citizens with equal rights as tantamount to advocating the destruction of Israel, because it wouldn't then be a Jewish state (if Israel hadn't expelled all those Palestinians they would have been the majority in what became "greenline" Israel).  In fact, the first UN mediator of the conflict, Folke Bernadotte, was murdered by Israelis precisely because he advocated that those Palestinians who had been expelled by Zionists/Israelis be allowed to return and live in peace with their neighbors.  Folke Bernadotte, by the way, had rescued many Jews from concentration camps towards the end of WWII.

    It should also be noted that the massacres of innocent Palestinians didn't stop with the end of hostilities in 1949.  For example, in the recent Intifada, close to 100 Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers, most of them not taking part in hostilities, killed just for protesting Ariel Sharon's claim of sovereignity over the Al-Aqsa Mosque, BEFORE the first innocent Israeli killed by Palestinians.

  15. Unfortunately, it's a wee bit more complicated than that.

    The UN partition which created the state of Israel also proposed a second Arab state from the Mandate (the first was Transjordan, 1922, which got 7/8ths of the land).

    The League of Arab Nations rejected the offer, told all of the Arabs there to flee and reassured them that they could return shortly -- after the Jewish state had been destroyed. It didn't work out that way.

    The Arabs who fled wound up in refugee camps set up by Egypt and Transjordan. Those who stayed are full Israeli citizens. They make up some 23% of the population.

    Palestinian Arab immigration has been severely restricted, and often prohibited, by Arab nations 'lest their identity be diluted' (i.e. they cease to be an effective propaganda tool against Israel). Several of those same Arab nations expelled their resident Jews, btw, and confiscated their property. It *should* have been a fairly routine post-war population transfer, messy but common.

    Birth-rates have been so high in the Gaza strip that if the Arab population there were to become Israeli citizens, in addition to the 23% who already are, it would be a matter of two to three generations before they became the majority. Those who insist that Israel be destroyed are willing to do it by any means necessary -- military, guerilla, using their kin as political pawns. They'd be quite happy to outnumber and outvote Israeli Jews if that's what it takes.

    It would be great if such a solution was viable. But it would certainly mean the end of Israel within this century.

  16. Because they are Palestinians. The Palestinians have the right to defend themselves against the invaders. They are called freedom fighters. If you don't like the situation in Palestine, you are free to leave.

    alan m: Too bad, you tend to translate Hebrew into English.

  17. Some Palestinians are citizens of Israel as they live within the borders of Israel.

    However, just like we, Jewish Israelis, want our own country, so do the Arab Palestinians; it is a question of self-determination.

  18. this has been going on between the muslims and the Jewish people since the time of Abraham.  i don't believe there is anything we can do to stop it.

    in my opinion, about all we can do is support Israel until the end of time when the Lord makes it right.

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