
Why can't Sarkozy take no for an answer?

by Guest10786  |  earlier

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  1. Don't give us a link to follow.

  2. He seems to forget the French themselves rejected the original treaty at first.

    Hooded Claw:The Irish have the right to a referendum under our constitution.Every country should have that right in a true democracy.There would have been many countries not ratifying the treaty given the chance as Sarky well knows.Indeed had we ratified it we would have had the right to future referendums taken away.How ironic is that?!!

  3. It's not only Sarcoma - he is just one of a political class, right across Europe, who regard the views - and in fact the wellbeing - of the people with total contempt.

    They are there only to carry out the orders of their various corporate employers - and they do not regard the electorate as their employer.

    Well, we are.  Let's teach them so by giving them the boot, in whatever country they rob and exploit and tyrannise.

  4. He's French. Where's the referendum we were promised?

  5. he thinks he can overule the irish vote. the irish will not bother to meet with him and owe him no explanation. the treaty has been rejected and the irish will not vote again.

  6. because he's very stubborn.

  7. Because politicians don`t like to be thwarted by the great unwashed.

  8. he is french

  9. Because he's French.

  10. It isn't just Sarkozy, most of the other EU PM's want to find some way of weezling in this unwanted treaty against the wishes of the vast majority of ordinary european citizens. If this wasn't the case, and they were so confident, why is it that only the Irish were permitted a referendum this time round?

  11. hi love,

    let him come to Dublin and ask the general public in public, he will be given the same courtesy as the orange men when they decided they had nothing better to do when they were going to march in Dublin, we do not take too kindly to Dictators English or French either

  12. He is plain stupid

    If possible, he is giving French "democracy" a bad name..

    When is their next revolution?

  13. He's part of an evil organization bent on world control .

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